May 19, 2020
After long hours of work, the members of the jury of the Awesome Authors youth writing contest selected the winners. It was not an easy task, there is a lot of young talent in Ottawa.
The members of the jury, composed of Catherine Austen, Amélinda Bérubé, Éric Péladeau, Karine Perron and Apollo the Child, wanted to show their appreciation in person and have filmed themselve announcing the winners in each category.
Before announcing the winners, we invite you to listen to a short message from the Board of Trustees and from the Friends of the Ottawa Public Library Association (FOPLA), which we thank for their generous support. In the Fall, FOPLA will pusblished pot-pourri an anthology of all the winning submissions. If you are a winner and want to see you work published; you will have to complete the Publishing Agreement. Winners will also receive an email or a phone call, in the following weeks, to give you more details about the cash prizes.
Thank you all for participating in such large numbers. And a huge thank you to our judges for their time and dedication. To discover the winners in the other Ages 13-18 categories: nouvelle, poésie, bande dessinée, watch this video: Awesome Authors: Winners Announcement Ages 13-18.