Apr 10, 2020
Are you getting tired of watching TV, and reading during #physicaldistancing and are looking for something new, interesting and interactive to do?
Try a MOOC - Massive Open Online Course! From Ancient Masterpieces of World Literature (Harvard), to Psychology 1001 (Carleton) to Indigenous Canada (U Alberta) to Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential (McMaster) there’s a free course for everyone!
Below is a list of some universities who provide Open Access Courses (MOOCS):
- MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Open Courseware
- University of Alberta, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
- McMaster University MOOCSPrinceton University MOOCS
- Carleton University MOOCS
- Johns Hopkins MOOCS
- Harvard University Free Online Courses
You can also check out Coursera, Edx and Kadenze to search for more institutions and free courses!
You can also access some free open access textbooks with:
And don't forget the Ottawa Public Library's free access to Lynda.com .
Blog post contributed by Charmaine Atrooshi from our Hazeldean branch.