Jul 05, 2022
In the past week, our customers have experienced several different issues related to accessing PressReader. PressReader should be working normally now via the website and the apps.
If customers still can't access PressReader from the OPL website or catalogue, it may require customers to clear all previous cookies and resync their browser to the current PressReader settings. Fortunately, it's possible to clear only the cookies related to Pressreader and leave others intact (to preserve settings and authenticated sessions on other websites). The specific cookies to remove are any relating to pressreader, ezproxy (the library's proxy server), and biblioottawalibrary.ca.
The little 'hotspot' icon is the key to all things. If the “hotspot” icon is present, access should be granted.
Here are the instructions for clearing domain-specific cookies for different browsers:
- Chrome
- Go to chrome://settings/siteData
- Type in each of these three terms: pressreader, ezproxy, biblioottawalibrary.ca in the "Search cookies" text box,
- For each term click “Remove All Shown”
- Edge:
- Go to edge://settings/siteData
- Type in each of these three terms: pressreader, ezproxy, biblioottawalibrary.ca in the "Search cookies" text box,
- For each term click “Remove All Shown”
- Safari
- Click Preferences from the drop-down menu
- Click Privacy on the very top line under Extensions
- Under Cookies and website data, click “Manage Website Data…”
- Type in each of these three terms: pressreader, ezproxy, biblioottawalibrary.ca in the "Search cookies" text box,
- For each term click “Remove All”
- Firefox
- Click Application Menu on the very right top corner
- Select Settings from the drop-down menu
- Click Privacy & Security
- Scroll down and under Cookies and Site Data, click Manage Data
- Type in each of these three terms: pressreader, ezproxy, biblioottawalibrary.ca in the "Search cookies" text box,
- For each term click “Remove All”
- Opera
- Click Setting on the left column
- Under Privacy and security, click Cookies and other site data
- Click See all cookies and site data
- Type in each of these three terms: pressreader, ezproxy, biblioottawalibrary.ca in the "Search cookies" text box,
- For each term click “Remove All Shown”
We expect that access to the PressReader website will work properly after clearing the domain-specific cookies noted above. Thank you for your understanding, and please let us know if you are still experiencing any problems with access to PressReader.
Press Reader