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More Chinese eBooks & eAudio available at Ottawa Public Library

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Nov 08, 2021

Great news! The Ottawa Public Library just added about 240 new Chinese eBook & eAduio titles for children and adults in either simple Chinese or traditional Chinese characters to the collection.

We’ve also updated several lists in the Chinese eReading room covering topics such as:

  • Cooking and food
  • Travel
  • Health and fitness
  • Fashion and beauty
  • Arts and crafts
  • Parenting and education
  • Children’s picture books and audiobooks
  • Business and Finance etc
  • Books by Jin Yong, Qiong Yao, and other famous authors

This blog contains only a sample of our Chinese eBooks & eAudio options.

To see our full selection, visit the following link, and select Chinese in the top left menu. This will bring you directly to the Chinese eReading room.

If you are new to downloading eBooks from the Overdrive platform, we have getting started guides, how to articles, and more. Just click the Overdrive help link.

Enjoy a fresh and easy way to borrow and read your favorite Chinese eBooks from the Ottawa Public Library!

渥太华图书馆新加200 多电子书和有声读物(Overdrive 赛阅)

亲爱的读者, 我们精心挑选了大量


                  简单易学的烹饪美食, 让你在厨房中大显身手!




          时尚& 美妆,健身,生活娱乐,亲子育儿,让你生活更加美好!



亲爱的读者, 还等什麽,赶快到Overdrive赛阅中文电子读书室浏览, 免费下载最


这里是知识的海洋, 这里是读者的天堂! 来吧,亲爱的读者, 让我们在知识的海洋里徜徉!

如有任何问题,请参阅Overdrive使用指南 或向图书馆工作人员咨询。
