Dec 15, 2020
We are happy to announce that we will be eliminating late fees as part of our new Materials Recovery Model on January 1, 2021. Other existing fees, including replacement fees for lost or damaged items, will still apply.
Our aim is to remove barriers for customers and increase access to the Library. Eliminating late fees should result in more OPL cardholders, better access to Library resources, more circulation, and greater recovery of Library materials. Research shows that late fees are not the best way to encourage timely returns of Library material, and we want to make sure that late fees do not discourage people from accessing Library services. We look forward to welcoming new and returning customers to the Library as a result of this change.
CURRENT FEES (as of January 1, 2021)
The following existing fees will still apply:
- $1 restocking fee for holds that are not picked up or cancelled on time
- Replacement fee for lost or damaged items
- Replacement fee for a lost library card
- Interlibrary loan fees when applicable
- $15 referral fees for collection agency accounts
- SmartLibrary fees for monies accrued at SmartLibrary partner institutions
- Non-resident fees
- Photocopying and printing fees
No new fees have been introduced. However, accounts with $25 in fees will be suspended until the fees are paid or until lost items are returned. Accounts with outstanding fees over $50 for more than 90 days will be referred to a collection agency.
Items are considered lost:
- 21 days after the due date (regular collection items)
- 7 days after the due date (Express items)
Once an item is considered lost, a replacement fee equal to the cost of the item will be charged. If the lost item is returned, the replacement fee will be cancelled.
Items that previously had no renewal limits will now have a limit of five renewals. Other renewal limits remain unchanged. Please note that an item can only be renewed if there are no holds on the item.
OPL looks forward to a happy new year in 2021 with these changes to make the Library more accessible to everyone.
For more details on the end of late fees, and the focus on materials recovery, you can read our Frequently Asked Questions.
Late fees for 7 day express
Late fees for 7 day express
late fees for 7 days
@fancynancy When the item is
replacement fees
Motivating timely returns?
Good points well presented,
Good points well presented,
Motivating timely returns?
I totally agree. I think
There are thousands of people
Removal of Late Fees
Removal of late fees
removal of late fees
Removal of Late Fees
Limited renewals
re: Limited renewals
Limited renewals
FYI, late fees do not in fact encourage returns
Re: FYI, late fees do not in fact encourage returns
I suppose the easiest fix
les chutes pour les retours de livres fermées.
les chutes pour les retours de livres fermées.
Unlimited Renewals
Thank you for your feedback!
renewal change logistics
renewal change logistics
Return Box Outside Working Hours
Return Box Outside Working Hours
Renewal Limits
Renewal Limits
Multiple checkouts and items removed from catalogue
Limites sur les renouvellements
Renewal Limits and Stay at Home Order
Renewal Limits and Stay at Home Order
Renewal Limits and Stay at Home Order
Renewal Limits and Stay at Home Order
Renewal Limits and Stay at Home Order
late fees by another name
late fees by another name
Support the OPL - make items available to others
Support the OPL - make items available to others
Unlimited Renewals
Unlimited Renewals
Chute pour les livres
Renewals and requests - conflict
Renewals and requests - conflict
Passes: Park/Museum/Ski