This encyclopedia includes over 40,000 articles and 60,000 photographs, as well as maps, graphs, games, quizzes and videos. Updated regularly, it contains The Encylopedia of Canada, The Youth Encyclopedia of Canada. (in English only) The Encyclopedia of Music in Canada, Feature articles on different subjects, MacLean’s Magazine articles and The Timeline of Canadian History.
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Canadian Encyclopedia
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Hill Times
The – Canada’s political and government news service
Customers can access PDF versions of Ottawa's own twice-weekly newspaper, as well as previous, achieved issues back to 2004, or download and print a copy. They can also search articles dating back to 1989, and access PDF versions of the Embassy Archives from 2004 to 2016. The Hill Times absorbed Embassy magazine and doubled its print edition to be twice-a-week starting from April 2016.
In addition to the digital edition of the Hill Times, there will be full access to for daily updated breaking exclusive stories and in-depth articles about the people, the policies, and the politics that make the news. Enjoy a diversity of opinions and points of view, from various political angles.
Both In-library and unlimited simultaneous remote access from home are available.
The Hill Times is independently owned and based in Ottawa. Their website states that they are independent and non-partisan. Articles are written by well-respected journalists.
Ottawa Citizen - ProQuest Historical Newspapers (1845 - 2010)
This digitized full-images archives of the Ottawa Citizen provides genealogists, researchers and general public with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
This will allow Ottawans to digitally travel back through the centuries to become eyewitnesses to our local history.
Coverage is from 1845 to 2010, but you can access more recent full text content from September 1985 until now from Canadian Major Dailies ProQuest (Formerly Canadian Newsstand).