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The database allows searchable access to full articles, columns and features from the major French-Canadian newspapers and certain magazines such as Protégez-vous and L`Actualité. News sources include full-text articles from Le Droit, Le Devoir, La Presse, Le Soleil and SRC radio and television. About 20 small Ontario dailies are also included among other French and English language newspapers from across Canada.
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Provides access to today’s newspapers and magazines from all over the world. Advanced features allow automated translation as well the ability to listen to articles. Canadian newspaper titles include the Ottawa Citizen, the Globe and Mail, National Post, Le Devoir, Le Journal de Montréal, and Toronto Star. Internationally you can read USA Today, The Wall Street Journal (USA), The Guardian (United Kingdom), Le Figaro (France), Izvestia (Russia) and Der Tagesspiegel (Germany). Popular magazines include Canadian Geographic, Maximum PC and Canada’s Style at Home.