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Suggestion to purchase

Make a Suggestion

Check your suggestion status under 'Suggested this Month'.

Please suggest:

  • Material that we missed buying
  • Books from new or little known authors or publishers

Please do not suggest:

  • Very popular and best selling authors, top 40 compact discs, or well reviewed DVD feature films - we will be buying these anyway.
  • Anything over two years old. This is defined as current year plus 2. For example, during the current year (2024), please limit suggestions to material created between Jan 2022 and the date you place your suggestion (today’s date). (See if it is available from one of our SmartLibrary partners.)
  • Items that are not yet published or released in Canada.
  • Films on Blu-ray that are available on DVD. We only purchase content in Blu-ray format when it is not available in DVD format.

Please, also:

  • Only submit a suggestion once.
  • Limit your suggestions to 3/month.

Decisions about the collection reflect OPL's Materials Selection Policy.