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Equipment Certifications

Some Imagine Space equipment requires that clients complete a certification and/or sign an agreement form before they can book the equipment for use.

Parent/guardian must train, sign, accompany, and be the sole person to use the deemed potentially hazardous equipment for all customers under the age of 13.

  • 3D Printer Certificate

    To book and use the 3D printers clients must sign the Imagine Space user agreement form. Clients aged 13-17 can be certified but will need a parent/guardian to sign the agreement form.

  • Laser Cutter Certificate

    Booking and use of the laser cutters is restricted to certified users. Clients aged 13-17 can be certified but will need a parent/guardian to sign the agreement form.

    The certification process is as follows:

    1. Watch the certification video
    2. Take the online quiz
    3. Email the Imagine Space,, to schedule an in-person appointment. During the appointment, you will review/demonstrate safe use of the machines and sign the client agreement form. Appointments for laser cutter certification are available on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm or 7:30 pm, and on Saturday mornings at 10 am and 11 am. Certification process can take up to 60 minutes.
  • Sewing Machine Certificate

    Booking and use of the sewing machine is restricted to certified users. Clients aged 13-17 can be certified but will need a parent/guardian to sign the agreement form.

    The certification process is as follows:

    1. Email the Imagine Space,, to schedule an in-person appointment. During the appointment, you will review/demonstrate safe use of the machines and sign the client agreement form.
    2. Attend a brief in-person certification and orientation to the machine. Appointments for sewing machine certification are available during Imagine Space opening hours but are not available on Tuesday evenings or Saturday mornings.
  • Serger Certificate

    Booking and use of the serger is restricted to certified users. Clients aged 13-17 can be certified but will need a parent/guardian to sign the agreement form.
    The certification process is as follows:

    1. Email the Imagine Space,, to schedule an in-person appointment. During the appointment, you will review/demonstrate safe use of the machines and sign the client agreement form.
    2. Attend an in-person certification and orientation to the machine. Appointments for serger certification are available on Monday evenings at 6:30 pm, Tuesday afternoons at 2:30 pm, Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm, as well as Saturday afternoons at 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm. The certification process can take up to 60 minutes.
  • Embroidery Machine Certificate

    Booking and use of the embroidery machine is restricted to certified users. Clients aged 13-17 can be certified but will need a parent/guardian to sign the agreement form.
    The certification process is as follows:

    1. Email the Imagine Space,, to schedule an in-person appointment. During the appointment, you will review/demonstrate safe use of the machines and sign the client agreement form.
    2. Attend an in-person certification and orientation to the machine. Appointments for embroidery machine certification are available on Monday evenings at 6:30 pm, Tuesday afternoons at 2:30 pm, Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm, as well as Saturday afternoons at 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm.