Join us for stories, songs and rhymes, for children of all ages!
Rejoignez-nous pour des histoires, des chansons et des comptines, pour les enfants de tous âges!
Some in-branch programs require registration with your library card. Please log in with your library account or follow this link to apply for a card online. You can also apply for a card in person at any of our 33 locations.
Join us for stories, songs and rhymes, for children of all ages!
Rejoignez-nous pour des histoires, des chansons et des comptines, pour les enfants de tous âges!
Stories, rhymes, and songs for families with young children. The first half hour will be an interactive storytime program. The last half hour there will be self-directed activities and toys for parents/caregivers and young children.
Drop-in program.
Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver.
Drop In
(Storytimes on Jan18 and Feb 15 are Spanish-English)
Drop in for preschool fun! Play with puppets, crafts, building blocks, and more. Drop-in. *Note that the last Saturday of the month, we start with Family Storytime at 10:15am and then leave the room available for play until 11:30am, just like all other Saturdays.
Last Play Day of 2024 : Dec 14.
2025 dates :
This program resumes on September 20.
Un programme portes ouvertes pour les enfants d'âge préscolaire! Venez jouer avec des marionnettes, des blocs de construction, du bricolage, et plus encore! Inscription non requise.
*À noter : le dernier samedi du mois nous commençons par l'Heure du conte (en anglais) à compter de 10h15, et ensuite la salle est disponible pour jouer jusqu'à 11h30, comme tous les autres samedis matins.
Dernier ‘On joue!’ de 2024 : 14 décembre.
Dates de 2025 :
Le programme reprend le 20 septembre.
Create and build with Lego®!
Drop-in Family Program.
Stories, rhymes and puppets for children and a parent /caregiver. Drop in.
Contes, comptines et chansons pour les enfants de tous âges et un parent ou gardien.
Inscription non requise.
Stories, rhymes and songs for toddlers and a parent or caregiver. 19-35 months.
"Stay & Play": join us in our children's area to play and chat after the program! There will be self-directed activities and toys for young children.
Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and their parents or caregivers. Drop-in program.
Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver. Drop-in.
Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver. Stay and Play afterwards.
Drop-in program.