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  • National Film Board / Office national du film

    Monday Oct 21, 2024 at 2:30pm
    90 minutes

    In the ruthless “attention economy” of the Internet, young influencers gamble everything for fame-‘n’-fortune. A startling and timely study of contemporary celebrity, Anything for Fame ventures into the virtual Wild West to profile an ambitious—and reckless—new breed of content creator.

    This film deals with mature subject matter. Viewer discretion is advised.

    Screening courtesy of the National Film Board. 

    2023. 85 minutes. In English with English subtitles. 

  • National Film Board / Office national du film

    Thursday Oct 24, 2024 at 6:00pm
    90 minutes

    Dans ce documentaire de Mathieu Fournier portant sur le premier phénomène viral de l’ère numérique, Ghyslain Raza, le « Star Wars Kid », sort du silence pour la première fois afin de réfléchir à son histoire. Ce faisant, il explore aussi la nôtre : celle d’internautes qui doivent, eux aussi, apprivoiser leur ombre numérique. 

    Présentation gracieuseté de l'Office national du film. 

    2022. 80 minutes. En français avec sous-titres en français.

  • Photograph of the Parliament Hill skyline taken between the end of the 19th century and 1916.

    Saturday Oct 26, 2024 at 1:00pm
    120 minutes

    Join Stephen McKenna, historian, author & musician, as we trace the history of a working class Gloucester village-like neighborhood - carved out of the former Billings Estate - and its transition from the era of ice houses, sawmills, brickyards, swimming creeks and horse-drawn wagons into the modern age of shopping malls and the practicalities of present-day suburbia. 

  • Mondays, Nov 04, 2024 - Dec 16, 2024
    90 minutes

    6 sessions remaining

    Meet other language learners and native speakers for conversation in a relaxed and friendly environment. For learners and speakers of any language.

    Rejoignez notre groupe de conversation multi-langues. Il s'agit d'un groupe amical pour causer dans un environnement détendu. Ce programme est pour apprenants et pour locuteurs natifs de toutes les langues.

  • poster for Escape from L.A.

    Wednesday Nov 06, 2024 at 6:30pm
    150 minutes

    Ottawa Bad Movie Nights and Ottawa Public Library present a screening of Escape from L.A. (1996).

    Please join us from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, at the OPL's Main Branch Auditorium. The event will also feature other bad movie items like trailers and serials.

    The event is free to attend. In English.

    Note: This film is intended for a mature audience. Viewer discretion is advised.

  • National Film Board / Office national du film

    Monday Nov 18, 2024 at 2:30pm
    90 minutes

    In Stolen Time, a riveting feature documentary, charismatic elder rights lawyer Melissa Miller takes on the for-profit nursing-home industry. It’s Miller’s most challenging case yet in her early career: a mass tort representing hundreds of families fighting some of the world’s most powerful long-term care corporations. Her adversaries stand accused of neglecting their vulnerable charges as they reap huge profits. Booming elderly populations worldwide add urgency to holding these corporations to account.

    Stolen Time is a compelling call for justice from desperate families who’ve turned to the courts as a last resort. We witness surprising testimonies and images from researchers, advocates and, most notably, frontline caregivers whose work is often undervalued but disproportionately blamed for what goes wrong. The film is a rare inside look at a legal battle and an emerging elder justice movement with ramifications—and inspiration—for us all.

    Presentation courtesy of the National Film Board.

    2023. 85 minutes. In English with French subtitles.


    Le passionnant long métrage documentaire Le temps dérobé relate le combat que livre la charismatique avocate Melissa Miller, spécialisée en droit des personnes aînées, à l’industrie des centres de soins à but lucratif. Cette cause, une action collective intentée au nom de centaines de familles luttant contre certaines des entreprises de soins de longue durée les plus puissantes au monde, est jusqu’à présent la plus complexe de sa jeune carrière. Ses adversaires sont accusés de négliger les personnes vulnérables dont ils ont la charge et d’engranger d’énormes profits. La croissance de la population âgée à l’échelle planétaire ajoute encore à l’urgence d’exiger des comptes de la part de ces entreprises.

    Le temps dérobé est une exhortation pressante à la justice de la part de familles désespérées qui, en dernier recours, se sont tournées vers les tribunaux. Nous pouvons voir d’étonnants témoignages, ainsi que des images provenant de spécialistes de la recherche, d’avocates ou d’avocats et, surtout, de personnes soignantes de première ligne, dont on sous-évalue souvent le travail, mais qu’on blâme trop sévèrement pour les ratés du système. Le film nous offre une rare occasion d’assister depuis les coulisses à une mêlée juridique et à la naissance d’un mouvement de défense des droits des personnes aînées dont nous bénéficierons toutes et tous et qui nous motivera.

    Présentation gracieuseté de l’Office National du Film.

    2023. 85 minutes. En anglais avec des sous-titres en français. 

  • Photograph of the Parliament Hill skyline taken between the end of the 19th century and 1916.

    Saturday Nov 23, 2024 at 1:00pm
    120 minutes

    Alanis King, originally from Manitoulin Island, Wikwemikong, shares the stories of the Anishnaabe (Algonquin) people through her personal lens as an Indigenous person.

    Blending stories from pre and post-contact, exploring the roles of the Ottawa River and its islands, traditional gathering areas, trade, archaeological digs, legends and landmarks right here in our city, Alanis offers a unique worldview on Ottawa history.

  • poster for Chopping Mall

    Wednesday Dec 04, 2024 at 6:30pm
    150 minutes

    Ottawa Bad Movie Nights and Ottawa Public Library present a screening of Chopping Mall (1988).

    Please join us from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, at the OPL's Main Branch Auditorium. The event will also feature other bad movie items like trailers and serials.

    The event is free to attend. In English.

    Note: This film is intended for a mature audience. Viewer discretion is advised.

  • poster for Barbarella

    Wednesday Jan 08, 2025 at 6:30pm
    150 minutes

    Ottawa Bad Movie Nights and Ottawa Public Library present a screening of Barbarella (1968).

    Please join us from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, at the OPL's Main Branch Auditorium. The event will also feature other bad movie items like trailers and serials.

    The event is free to attend. In English.

    Note: This film is intended for a mature audience. Viewer discretion is advised.

  • poster for New York Ninja

    Wednesday Feb 05, 2025 at 6:30pm
    150 minutes

    Ottawa Bad Movie Nights and Ottawa Public Library present a screening of New York Ninja (2021).

    Please join us from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, at the OPL's Main Branch Auditorium. The event will also feature other bad movie items like trailers and serials.

    The event is free to attend. In English.

    Note: This film is intended for a mature audience. Viewer discretion is advised.