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Some in-branch programs require registration with your library card. Please log in with your library account or follow this link to apply for a card online. You can also apply for a card in person at any of our 33 locations.

  • Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 at 6:00pm (series runs until Mar 25, 2025)

    Colouring can have a calming effect on the mind and promote overall wellness.

    Join us fo a fun and relaxing session of adult colouring.  An opportunity to let your inner artist free and be a kid again!

    All supplies are provided.  Drop-in program. **This is not a course**

    Redécouvez le plaisir de colorier en vous joignant à notre club de coloriage pour adultes - un moment de détente et de relaxation.

    Tout le matériel est fourni. Insciption non requise. ""Ce n'est pas un cours""

  • Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 at 6:00pm

    In Canada, your credit score affects major life decisions - from getting an apartment to securing a good interest rate on a loan. Learn how the Canadian credit system works and build the knowledge you need to make smart financial choices.

    In This Workshop, You'll Learn:

    • The basics of credit in Canada and how it affects your daily life
    • Learn when to use credit
    • What's in your credit report and how to read it
    • Steps to build your credit history
    • Practical ways to maintain good credit
    • Which credit cards and loans best suit your needs
    • Better options than Payday loans and other high-interest products

    After the workshop, you'll know how to get your credit report, understand your credit score, and choose loans or credit cards that work best for you. You'll also learn to spot credit offers with very high interest rates, like payday loans, and discover better options to borrow money when needed.

    About OCLF:

    At OCLF, we help newcomers and immigrants build strong financial futures in Canada. Since 2000, we've worked with thousands of Ottawa residents, providing the knowledge and tools needed to succeed. We teach practical money skills and offer affordable financing options to help you reach your goals. Our experienced team understands the unique challenges of beginning your new life in Canada, and we're here to support your success.

  • poster for The Color of Money
    Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 at 6:00pm

    Join us for a free screening of The Color of Money as part of our "This Sporting Strife" movie theme for February. The film was directed byMartin Scorsese and was released in 1986. The screening will take place in our auditorium, starts at 6:00PM and is free to attend.

    Note: The film is intended for a mature audience. 120 minutes. In English with subtitles.

  • Web banner for hobbies and crafts
    Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 at 6:15pm (series runs until Mar 25, 2025)

    Drop in with your knitting every Tuesday

    Share advice, ideas and conversation with other knitters.

    Venez faire un tour, échanger des conseils et des idées et converser avec d'autres adeptes du tricot!.

  • english
    Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 at 6:30pm (series runs until Jun 24, 2025)

    Do you already have some basic English language skills, and are you looking for a casual, friendly environment where you can practice your English-speaking skills? Join our English conversation group to help you gain confidence, grow your vocabulary, and meet new people.


    6:30-7:30 pm.

    September - June.

    The 2025 sessions resume January 7th.  

  • Sleuth Hounds
    Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 at 6:30pm (series runs until Jun 10, 2025)

    Participez à des rencontres sociales pour discuter d’une grande variété de livres sélectionnés par les membres du club de lecture. Cette activité est ouverte à tous. Les personnes inscrites ont la responsabilité d’obtenir un exemplaire du livre à lire ou à écouter.

    Les 2e mardi du mois de septembre à juin, de 18h30 à 20h.

    janvierAmis, chers amis par Bernard Pivot

    févrierQimmik par Michel Jean

    marsLes villes de papier par Dominique Fortier

    avril: La vie heureuse par David Foenkinos

    maiLe livre des sœurs par Amélie Nothomb

    juin: Le violon d'Adrien par Gary Victor

  • Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 at 6:30pm (series runs until Jun 24, 2025)

    Participez à notre groupe de conversation, dans une ambiance amicale et décontractée, afin  d'améliorer vos habiletés à converser en français.

    Aucune inscription requise.


    Participate in our conversation group so that you can improve your French language conversation skills in a relaxed and friendly environment.

    No registration required.

  • Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 at 6:30pm (series runs until Jun 24, 2025)

    Do you need a casual, friendly environment where you can practice your English-speaking skills?  Look no further than the English Conversation Group!  Receive guidance from our experienced conversation group leaders, meet new people, and gain confidence in your English speaking.

  • pile of cream- and brown-coloured balls of yarn with brown knitting needles
    Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 at 6:30pm (series runs until Dec 30, 2025)

    The North Gloucester Knit Wits meet Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 pm. Come share advice, ideas, and conversation with other knitters. Open to all adults and teens. Drop in. (Not for those looking to learn). /  Les tricoteurs de la succursale Gloucester nord se rencontrent les mardi soirs de 18 h 30 à 20 h 30. Venez partager vos suggestions et idées tout en placotant avec d’autres tricoteurs! Ouverte aux adultes et ados. Inscription non-requise. (Pas pour ceux qui cherche à apprendre).

  • Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 at 6:45pm (series runs until Jun 10, 2025)

    Practice English and meet new friends in a relaxed and friendly environment. 

    Margaret is an accredited teacher of English as a Second Language with more than 8 years experience in teaching adults who are new to Canada. Margaret endeavours to assist English learners strengthen their language skills through engaging conversations and discussions of some of the practical and cultural intricacies of living in Canada.