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Some in-branch programs require registration with your library card. Please log in with your library account or follow this link to apply for a card online. You can also apply for a card in person at any of our 33 locations.

  • March Break logo
    Wednesday Mar 12, 2025 at 10:30am

    Stories, rhymes, songs and a craft for children ages 0-4 years, accompanied by a parent or caregiver.

    Ages 0-4. Registration. Please register one spot per child.

    Histoires, comptines, chansons et un bricolage pour les enfants de 0 à 4 ans, accompagnés d'un parent ou d'un gardien.

    Pour les 0 à 4 ans. Inscription. Veuillez inscrire une place par enfant.

  • Wednesday Mar 12, 2025 at 10:30am

    Get into the Groove!

    Get into the groove in this highly energetic and interactive dance session! Participants will explore simple, fun, and easy dance moves that everyone can follow in a safe and inclusive environment! Presented by Luv2Groove.

    Family program for ages 4+. Registration required.

    Ottawa Public Library is committed to making its programs accessible to everyone. If you need specific accommodations, please fill out this form: We prefer at least three weeks' notice for accommodation requests.

  • Wednesday Mar 12, 2025 at 10:30am

    Create your own 5-minute story to tell. Children each create their own unique tale while guided through 
    the use of Timm's Mini Book Maker worksheet, adding key words and check points to create the skeleton 
    of a great story! Once the stories are created, participants are invited to tell their stories to the group or 
    have Timm perform their stories with interactive sounds effects and actions! Attendees must be able to 
    write words on their own or have a parent with them to assist. Presented by local author Timm Holmes. 
    Ages 7-12. Registration required.

    Ottawa Public Library is committed to making its programs accessible to everyone. If you need specific 
    accommodations, please fill out this form:

    We prefer at least three weeks' notice for accommodation requests.

  • Wednesday Mar 12, 2025 at 10:30am

    Mission 1960: Coding for Spies Recruiting new spies! Come learn about the different technologies and methods that the military (including spies!) used to communicate during the Cold War. Our trained spies will teach you all about the different languages, codes, and ways that spies sent and received messages, preparing you for the artifacts that you will have to use to create your own coded messages. Your mission: To communicate like Cold War spies this March Break. Presented by the Diefenbunker. Ages 7-12. Registration required.

    Ottawa Public Library is committed to making its programs accessible to everyone. If you need specific accommodations, please fill out this form: We prefer at least three weeks' notice for accommodation requests.

    Mission 1960 : utilisation de codes Nous cherchons des espions! Venez découvrir les différentes méthodes et technologies utilisées par les militaires (et les espions) pour communiquer pendant la Guerre froide. Nos espions qualifiés vous initieront aux différents langages, codes et autres modes d’envoi et de réception de messages. Vous pourrez ensuite utiliser les artéfacts pour créer vos propres messages codés. Votre mission : communiquer comme des espions de la Guerre froide pendant la relâche de mars. Présenté par le Diefenbunker. De 7 à 12 ans. Inscription requise.

    La Bibliothèque publique d’Ottawa (BPO) s’efforce de rendre ses programmes universellement accessibles. Si vous avez besoin de mesures d’adaptation, veuillez remplir le présent formulaire : Il est préférable de présenter votre demande au moins trois semaines à l’avance.

  • March Break logo
    Wednesday Mar 12, 2025 at 2:00pm

    Suite à la lecture d’un conte provenant de la collection de la Bibliothèque publique d’Ottawa, découvrez comment les mots peuvent se transformer en mouvement! Explorez votre imaginaire en bougeant avec les artistes de Tara Luz Danse de façon ludique et créative. Cette activité multisensorielle se terminera avec un coloriage en lien avec l’atelier vécu. Présenté par Tara Luz Danse. Programme familial pour les 4 ans et plus. Inscription requise.

    La Bibliothèque publique d’Ottawa (BPO) s’efforce de rendre ses programmes universellement accessibles. Si vous avez besoin de mesures d’adaptation, veuillez remplir le présent formulaire : Il est préférable de présenter votre demande au moins trois semaines à l’avance.

  • animaux de dessins animés déguisés en détectives / cartoon animals dressed as detectives
    Wednesday Mar 12, 2025 at 2:00pm

    Joignez-vous à nous pour jouer et socialiser. Il y aura des activités pour les tout-petits et leurs adultes. Programme portes ouvertes. Programme familial.

    Veuillez noter que les​ activités ne seront pas supervisées par le personnel.

    Join us to play and chat. There will be self-directed activities and toys for parents, caregivers and young children. Drop-in program. Family program.

    Please note that staff will not supervise activities. 

  • Wednesday Mar 12, 2025 at 2:00pm

    For this program, Parrot Partners will bring at least 3 parrots, from different areas of the world, ranging in size from very small and "spunky" to massive and "mellow". We introduce each parrot, one at a time, and share interesting and entertaining facts and stories about their natures and lives in the wild and in our homes. Participants will be offered the opportunity to give our parrots a treat or drink from a safety cup or feeding skewer, as well as pose for photos with the parrots. Family program for ages 4+. Registration required.

    Parrot Partners is the only rehabilitation program for Parrots in Canada that combines professional training, education, and rehabilitation in the charitable service of relinquished and misunderstood parrots.

    Ottawa Public Library is committed to making its programs accessible to everyone. If you need specific accommodations, please fill out this form: We prefer at least three weeks' notice for accommodation requests.

  • Thursday Mar 13, 2025 at 10:15am

    Create and build with Lego®! Drop-in. For ages 6-12. 

     Architectes en herbe, à vos Lego®! Portes ouvertes. Pour les 6 à 12 ans.

  • Thursday Mar 13, 2025 at 10:30am

    Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and their parents or caregivers. We will use memory tray to train our brains, improve memory and concentration.

    Drop-in program for all ages.

  • Thursday Mar 13, 2025 at 10:30am

    Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver. Family Program. 30 min. Drop in.