Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver.
Meet new friends after storytime at Stay and Play!
Drop in
Some in-branch programs require registration with your library card. Please log in with your library account or follow this link to apply for a card online. You can also apply for a card in person at any of our 33 locations.
Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver.
Meet new friends after storytime at Stay and Play!
Drop in
Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver.
Drop-in program.
Stories, rhymes and songs for babies and a parent or caregiver. 0-18 months. Drop-in.
Join us for coffee, cards and conversation in a casual setting at the Osgoode Library. Drop in, all are welcome.
Meet other language learners and native speakers for conversation in a relaxed and friendly environment. For learners and speakers of any language.
Please Note: The January 6, 2025 session has been cancelled
Rejoignez notre groupe de conversation multi-langues. Il s'agit d'un groupe amical pour causer dans un environnement détendu. Ce programme est pour apprenants et pour locuteurs natifs de toutes les langues.
Veuillez noter : la session du 6 janvier est annulée
A weekly outing for home-schooling families. Board games, building blocks, LEGO® bricks, and... as many books as you may want to read!
Last 2024 date : Dec 9.
2025 :
Une belle sortie hebdomadaire pour les familles qui font l'école à la maison. Jeux de société, blocs LEGO® et... autant de livres que tu désires en lire!
Dernière date en 2024 : 9 décembre.
Dates de 2025 :
Do you like to knit, crochet or do handwork or sort? Please join like-minded individuals for an enjoyable afternoon of crafting. Bring any project that you are working on. Drop-in!
Tea and cookies will be served!
Do you love board games? Cards? Chess? Any game goes! We will provide an assortment of games, but you're welcome to bring your own board games, too.
Drop-in program / Programme portes-ouvertes.
Aimez-vous les jeux de société ? Jouer aux cartes ou aux échecs ? Vous choisissez le jeu ! Plusieurs options seront disponibles. Vous pouvez aussi apporter vos propres jeux.
Baby playgroups are facilitated by Early Childhood Educators with early learning activities for babies and a chance for caregivers to network and share experiences. A partnership between the Early On Family and Child Centre and the Library.
Ages 0-12 months. Drop in program.
Drop in to play, make and read! For ages 4-12. Please note that staff will not supervise activities.
Mondays January 13, January 27, February 10 and February 24
Venez jouer ou créer ou lire! Pour les enfants de 4 à 12 ans. Veuillez noter que les activités ne seront pas supervisées par le personnel.
Les lundis 13 janvier, 27 janvier, 10 février et 24 février