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Some in-branch programs require registration with your library card. Please log in with your library account or follow this link to apply for a card online. You can also apply for a card in person at any of our 33 locations.

  • Monday Feb 10, 2025 at 4:30pm (series runs until May 26, 2025)

    For Ages 10-18.  Drop-in on Mondays between 4:30 and 6 pm for Youth Scrabble - an incredibly exciting activity that provides a challenging and stimulating experience for players. The game requires players to use their vocabulary, strategy, and critical thinking skills to create and place words on the board while competing against others. Whether you're an experienced player or a beginner, the fast-paced and competitive nature of the game is sure to keep you engaged and focused. Additionally, the social aspect of Club Scrabble is not to be underestimated, as players can meet new people, share their love of the game, and have fun together. Overall, Youth Scrabble is an exhilarating and satisfying pastime that offers mental stimulation, social interaction, and a lot of excitement.  

    This program is led by Heidi Robertson, Director of the Ottawa Scrabble Club

    Note:  There is no program on February 17 (Family Day), April 21 (Easter Monday) and May 19 (Victoria Day)

  • Monday Feb 10, 2025 at 6:30pm (series runs until Jun 10, 2025)

    Come join our homework club and get help with reading, math, science, French, English, etc. Ages 6-12.  Drop in.
    Led by United for Literacy. 

    Joins-toi à notre club d’aide aux devoirs, pour recevoir de l’aide avec la lecture, les maths, les sciences, le français, l’anglais, etc. 6-12 Ans. Portes ouvertes, aucune inscription requise!
    Avec des bénévoles de Littératie Ensemble.

  • Parents reading to children / des parents lisent à leurs enfants
    Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 at 10:00am (series runs until Feb 25, 2025)

    Stories, rhymes, and songs for preschool children and a parent/caregiver. 

    Join us in our children's area afterwards to play and chat! There will be self-directed activities and toys for parents/caregivers and young children. 

    Contes, comptines, et chansons pour les enfants d'âge préscolaire accompagnés d’un parent ou gardien.

    Après le programme, joignez-nous au département des enfants pour jouer et socialiser. Il y aura des activités et des jouets pour les tout-petits et leurs adultes. 

  • Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 at 3:30pm (series runs until Jun 24, 2025)

    Are you interested in practicing your chess skills?

    Join us for open games of chess every Tuesday from 3:30 to 5 pm. 

    Whether you are a beginner or a more advanced player, this is a relaxed environment where everyone is welcome. Bring your own board or borrow one of ours.

    Ages 7+

    Êtes-vous intéressés par le jeu d’échecs?

    Venez nous joindre tous les mardis de 15h30 à 17h.

    Venez pratiquer vos habiletés dans cet environnement relaxe. Tous les niveaux de participants sont bienvenus.

    7ans et +

  • Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 at 4:00pm (series runs until Feb 25, 2025)

    Alta Vista is happy to welcome all children ages 7-12 for our Tuesday night reading circle from 4-5 pm. During our hour long read-a-loud circle we will take turns reading, sharing thoughts and opinions, and defining new vocabulary.

    Join us and help us all improve together!

  • Homework Help Web Banner
    Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 at 5:00pm (series runs until Jun 10, 2025)

    Come and get help with reading, math, science, French, English, etc. Led by United for Literacy volunteers. For students in grades 1 through 10. / Reçois de l'aide avec la lecture, les maths, les sciences, le français, l'anglais, etc. Avec des bénévoles de Littératie Ensemble. Pour les élèves de la 1e à la 10e année.

    Please note: A parent or caregiver for children participating in the homework club must remain in the library for the duration of a session. / Notez bien: Les parents ou les personnes en charge des enfants participant au club d'aide aux devoirs doivent rester dans la bibliothèque pendant toute la durée d'une séance.

    Online resources / Ressources en ligne

  • Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 at 5:00pm (series runs until Feb 25, 2025)

    Do you have children ages 6 to 9?  ​Would you like them to read more? ​

    Join our weekly Reading Buddies program. ​Each child will be paired with a teen volunteer for ​fun and interactive, 30-minute read aloud sessions. ​

    Registration is required for this program. 

    To register, email:   ​

  • Parent and child illustration
    Wednesday Feb 12, 2025 at 10:00am (series runs until Feb 26, 2025)

    Stories, rhymes, songs and activities for babies (ages 0-18 months) and a parent/caregiver. 

  • Wednesday Feb 12, 2025 at 10:15am (series runs until Mar 12, 2025)

    Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver. Drop-in. / Contes, comptines et chansons pour les enfants de tous âges et un parent ou gardien. Portes ouvertes.

  • Wednesday Feb 12, 2025 at 10:15am (series runs until Feb 26, 2025)

    Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver. Drop-in program.

    Contes, comptines et chansons pour les enfants de tous âges et un parent ou gardien. Portes ouvertes.