Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and their parents or caregivers followed by 30 minutes of play time.
Drop-in program
Some in-branch programs require registration with your library card. Please log in with your library account or follow this link to apply for a card online. You can also apply for a card in person at any of our 33 locations.
Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and their parents or caregivers followed by 30 minutes of play time.
Drop-in program
Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver and then join us afterwards to play and chat. There will be self-directed activities and toys for parents, caregivers and young children.
*English program
Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver. Stay and Play following Storytime. Meet new friends and play with self directed toys. Drop-in family program located at 960 Silver St.
Please note that the Family Storytime session scheduled for Thursday, February 13, has been cancelled.
Stories, rhymes and puppets for children and a parent /caregiver.
Drop in.
Contes, comptines et chansons pour les enfants de tous âges et un parent ou gardien.
Inscription non requise.
Join us for Bilingual Family Storytime every second Thursday morning at 11am for some fun stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver. Drop-in program.
Venez participer à notre programme de Contes en famille qui prend place un sur deux jeudis à 11h ou nous nous amuserons avec des contes, comptines et chansons pour les enfants de tous âges et un parent ou gardien. Programme portes ouvertes.
Join us following our Family Storytime & Babytime to play and chat! There will be self-directed activities and toys for young children and their parents/caregivers. Drop-in program.
Bring your knitting or crochet project and share advice, ideas and conversations with fellow enthusiasts. For adults, teens and children of all abilities. Drop-in.
Apportez votre projet de tricot ou de crochet afin d'échanger des conseils, des idées et converser avec d'autres passionnés. Pour les adultes et jeunes de tous les niveaux. Aucune inscription requise.
Do you love board games? Cards? Chess? Any game goes!
We will provide an assortment of games, but you're welcome to bring your own board games, too.
Wear your comfy pajamas, bring along your favourite stuffie, and come for a cozy time! Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver. Drop-in program.
***Due to the winter storm warning for the Ottawa area, the Storytime for February 13 has been cancelled.
Confortablement vêtu de votre pyjama, amenez votre doudou préféré, et venez pour un moment de confort ! Contes, comptines et chansons pour les enfants de tous âges et un parent ou gardien. Portes ouvertes.
***Lors de l'avertissement de tempête hivernale dans la région d’Ottawa, l'heure de conte pour le 13 février à été annulé.
A bi-weekly outing for home-schooling families. Board games, building blocks, LEGO bricks, and... as many books as you may want to read!
For ages 5-12.
Please note that staff will not supervise activities.
Une sortie bi-hebdomadaire pour les familles qui font l'école à la maison. Jeux de société, blocs LEGO et... autant de livres que tu désires en lire!
Pour les enfants de 5 à 12 ans.
Veuillez noter que les activités ne seront pas supervisées par le personnel.