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Some in-branch programs require registration with your library card. Please log in with your library account or follow this link to apply for a card online. You can also apply for a card in person at any of our 33 locations.

  • white, cream, brown-striped yarn

    Tuesdays, Apr 16, 2024 - Jun 11, 2024
    120 minutes

    9 sessions remaining

    Welcome back to North Gloucester! After a long hiatus, Knit Wits will be back in the New Year, trying out Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 pm. Come share advice, ideas, and conversation with other knitters. Open to all adults and teens. Drop in. (Not for those looking to learn). || Bienvenue de retour à la succursale Gloucester nord! Après une longue détente, Trico'thé sera de retour en essayant le mardi soir, de 18 h 30 à 20 h 30. Venez partager vos suggestions et idées tout en placotant avec d’autres tricoteurs! Ouverte aux adultes et ados. Inscription non-requise. (Pas pour ceux qui cherche à apprendre).

  • Saturday Apr 27, 2024 at 2:00pm
    75 minutes

    Join us for a personal finance session about budgeting and saving for teens presented by Scott G. Elliott from CPA Canada.

    Budgeting is important in order for us to know where our money is going and to help us keep our spending and saving habits in balance.

    Drop ins are welcome but registration is recommended to save your spot.