Create and build with Lego®!
Drop-in Family Program.
Some in-branch programs require registration with your library card. Please log in with your library account or follow this link to apply for a card online. You can also apply for a card in person at any of our 33 locations.
Create and build with Lego®!
Drop-in Family Program.
Since the dawn of time, storytelling has been an ancient art form of conveying crucial information from generation to generation, helping communities to grow and helping children to engage with their creativity and imagination. This 75-minute workshop with Jacqui Du Toit focuses on engaging participant's imagination with theatrical games and voice exercises. Participants will learn the art of retelling stories from the motherland. Ages: 8-14.
About Jacqui Du Toit:
Born and raised in South Africa, Jacqui Du Toit is known for her animated stories from the mother land. By combining gestures, movement, singing, facial expressions, and dramatic impersonations that spark the audience, Jacqui knows how to captivate the audience with more than just words.
This event is made possible thanks to the generosity of the Friends of the Ottawa Public Library Association.
إنضمّوا إلينا للإستماع إلى أجمل القصص و الأغاني باللّغة العربية (من صفر إلى ٦ سنوات) - التسجيل غير مطلوب
السبت الساعة ٣ عصراً - ٤٥ دقيقة
١١ يناير (كانون الثاني) و٨ فبراير (شباط) و٥ ابريل (نيسان)
Join us for Arabic Stories, rhymes and songs for children. (0 to 6 years)
Saturday at 3:00 pm (45 min) - Drop in
January 11, February 8, April 5
Contes, comptines, et chansons en Arabe. (0 à 6 ans)
Samedi à 15h (45 min) - Portes ouvertes
11 janvier, 8 février, 5 avril
Interested in miniature gaming with toy soldiers? Join in to play science fiction, high fantasy and historical games. Presented by the Ottawa Miniatures Gamers.
Drop-in program for teens and adults ages 12 and up.
All materials will be supplied.
Joignez-vous à nous un dimanche par mois pour des films documentaires en français !
Ali Farka Touré: Ça coule de source (2012)
52 minutes. Gracieuseté de Kanopy.
De la guitare électrique au petit violon monocorde des paysans songhays, l’art d’Ali Farka Touré est multiforme. Une caméra très mobile suit le premier Africain à avoir reçu un Grammy Award. De concerts à Bamako aux cultes de possession dédiés aux « génies du fleuve », en passant par les campements touaregs ou la ville mystérieuse de Tombouctou, nous découvrons tout à la fois, par le commentaire d’Ali, la splendide région de la boucle du Niger et un individu remarquable, qui concilie une carrière de musicien international et de cultivateur dans son village.
Celebrate Black history month by attending our family storytelling program. This program is offered in partnership with Black History Ottawa Children must be accompanied by an adult/guardian.Drop-in family program.
Stories, rhymes and puppets for children and a parent /caregiver. Drop in.
Contes, comptines et chansons pour les enfants de tous âges et un parent ou gardien.
Inscription non requise.
Are you looking for work? Unemployed or underemployed?
Drop-in to meet one-on-one with an Employment Counsellor from the Pinecrest-Queensway Employment Services team.
Stories, rhymes and songs for toddlers and a parent or caregiver. 19-35 months.
"Stay & Play": join us in our children's area to play and chat after the program! There will be self-directed activities and toys for young children.
Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver. Every Monday and Wednesday, 10:15am.
Last Storytime of 2024 : Dec 11.
2025 dates :