Stories, rhymes and puppets for children and a parent /caregiver.
Drop in.
Contes, comptines et chansons pour les enfants de tous âges et un parent ou gardien.
Inscription non requise.
Some in-branch programs require registration with your library card. Please log in with your library account or follow this link to apply for a card online. You can also apply for a card in person at any of our 33 locations.
Stories, rhymes and puppets for children and a parent /caregiver.
Drop in.
Contes, comptines et chansons pour les enfants de tous âges et un parent ou gardien.
Inscription non requise.
Stories, rhymes and puppets for children and a parent /caregiver.
Drop in.
30 minutes
Every Third Saturday of the month please join us for a program that features:
· dimmed lighting
· sensory toys
· a smaller number of participants
· an adapted circle time with stories, rhymes and songs
During this program there will be opportunities for open play and a chance to connect with other families. The circle time portion of this program is offered in the last 20 minutes of the session. A family member must be present for the duration of the program.
This program provides a welcoming environment and respects the needs of children from 18 months to 6 years who live with developmental disabilities and/or autism, or who show signs of a developmental delay.
Enjoy singing your favourite soft pop songs from the 50’s-80’s, Celtic and other folk music! All ages and levels of experience welcome.
3rd Monday of the month@ 1:30-3:00.
September-June. Some exceptions may apply.
There is no session in February.
March session held Monday, March 24th.
Looking for a place to study for exams?
Select tables in the Teen Zone on Carlingwood's 3rd floor will be reserved for you during the high school examination period.
In need of supplies? No worries! Pens, pencils, highlighters, post-its, paper... we've got you covered.
Light snacks will also be provided.
Good luck to all those writing exams this month!
Stories, rhymes and songs for babies and a parent or caregiver.
Ages 0-18 months.
Drop in
Do you already have some basic English language skills, and are you looking for a casual, friendly environment where you can practice your English-speaking skills? Join our English conversation group to help you gain confidence, grow your vocabulary, and meet new people.
6:30-7:30 pm.
September - June.
The 2025 sessions resume January 7th.
Stories, songs and rhymes for toddlers and their parent or caregiver.
For ages 19 - 35 months.
Come join our homework club and get help with reading, math, science, French, English, etc. Led by United for Literacy. Ages 6-12.
Drop in.
No Program March 12
Joins-toi à notre club d’aide aux devoirs, pour recevoir de l’aide avec la lecture, les maths, les sciences, le français, l’anglais, etc. Avec des bénévoles de Littératie Ensemble. 6-12 Ans.
Portes ouvertes, aucune inscription requise!
Pas de programme 12 mars
Learn how Canadian author, Barbara Reid, uses modeling clay to create the illustrations in her books. Materials will be provided for you to create your own illustrations. We will be showing a pre-recorded video in English, where Barbara Reid will give a demonstration on how to make clay creations.
Family program. Drop-in.
Apprenez comment l'auteure canadienne Barbara Reid utilise pâte à modeler pour créer les illustrations dans ses ouvrages. Les matériaux seront fournis pour que vous puissiez créer vos propres illustrations. Nous projetterons une vidéo préenregistrée en anglais, dans laquelle Barbara Reid fera une démonstration sur la manière de réaliser des créations en argile.
Programme familial. Portes ouvertes.