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Some in-branch programs require registration with your library card. Please log in with your library account or follow this link to apply for a card online. You can also apply for a card in person at any of our 33 locations.

  • Wednesday Mar 12, 2025 at 2:00pm

    Are you interested in environmental sustainability? Then this program is for you! 

    Get an introduction to the environmental impact of the clothing industry, and learn about the ways in which you can help to reduce this impact. This program includes a no-sew project – turning an old T-shirt into a bag! If you have a T-shirt you’d like to use, please bring it along. Otherwise, the library will provide a second-hand T-shirt on the day of the program. 

    Registration required. Spaces limited. 

    Teen Program. Ages 13-18. 

    This program is presented by Let's Talk Science. For more information about this initiative, please visit

    Ottawa Public Library is committed to making its programs accessible to everyone. If you need specific 
    accommodations, please fill out this form:

    We prefer at least three weeks' notice for accommodation requests.

  • Wednesday Mar 12, 2025 at 2:00pm

    Build and code your own LEGO Spike Spybot! Participants will assemble their robot, learn block coding 
    to control motors and sensors, and program it to detect colors, measure distances, and navigate its 
    surroundings. Test your creation in an exciting "capture the flag" challenge!

    For ages 10-12. Registration required. 

    Ottawa Public Library is committed to making its programs accessible to everyone. If you need specific 
    accommodations, please fill out this form:
    We prefer at least three weeks' notice for accommodation requests.

  • Wednesday Mar 12, 2025 at 2:00pm

    Put on your detective cap and examine fingerprints, mystery powders, ink samples, and teeth impressions. Get ready to practice your memory skills to create a composite! After all, analyzing all the evidence is what helps pinpoint the perpetrator.

    Presented by Mad Science Ottawa.

    Ages 7-12. Registration required.

    Ottawa Public Library is committed to making its programs accessible to everyone. If you need specific 
    accommodations, please fill out this form:

    We prefer at least three weeks' notice for accommodation requests.

  • March Break logo
    Wednesday Mar 12, 2025 at 2:00pm

    Build simple prototypes and test them! There’s no wrong prototype – each attempt is a learning experience. Engage with concepts like kinetic energy, simple machines, speed, distance, friction, and more as you create an experiment. Presented by STEMquest. Ages 4-6. Registration required.

    Ottawa Public Library is committed to making its programs accessible to everyone. If you need specific accommodations, please fill out this form: We prefer at least three weeks' notice for accommodation requests.

  • Wednesday Mar 12, 2025 at 2:00pm

    For this program, Parrot Partners will bring at least 3 parrots, from different areas of the world, ranging in size from very small and "spunky" to massive and "mellow". We introduce each parrot, one at a time, and share interesting and entertaining facts and stories about their natures and lives in the wild and in our homes. Participants will be offered the opportunity to give our parrots a treat or drink from a safety cup or feeding skewer, as well as pose for photos with the parrots. Family program for ages 4+. Registration required.

    Parrot Partners is the only rehabilitation program for Parrots in Canada that combines professional training, education, and rehabilitation in the charitable service of relinquished and misunderstood parrots.

    Ottawa Public Library is committed to making its programs accessible to everyone. If you need specific accommodations, please fill out this form: We prefer at least three weeks' notice for accommodation requests.

  • animals playing detective
    Thursday Mar 13, 2025 at 11:00am

    Get sticky with it! Discover the science of sticky. Make your own glue from food products and test them to see how they hold. Create your own sticky art. And of course, there will be silly putty. Presented by Scientist in Schools. Ages 8-12. Registration required. 

    Registrants will be contacted before this program to arrange branch pick-up of a materials kit. One kit per registrant. 

    Ottawa Public Library is committed to making its programs accessible to everyone.  If you need specific accommodations, please fill out this form:
    We prefer at least three weeks' notice for accommodation requests. 

  • Thursday Mar 13, 2025 at 1:00pm

    Consider your relationship to logos and consumer culture. Do you augment your identity by purchasing 
    these goods? Taking inspiration from multimedia artist Michèle Provost, students will alter familiar logos 
    to express their own unique identity. Presented by the Ottawa Art Gallery. Teen program. Registration 

    Ottawa Public Library is committed to making its programs accessible to everyone. If you need specific 
    accommodation, please fill out this form: Accessible Services Request Form | Ottawa Public Library 

    For Teens (13-18). 

    Please register online.

  • cartoon animals in detective outfits
    Thursday Mar 13, 2025 at 2:00pm

    La science va nous aider à résoudre un crime! Pour ce faire, nous utiliserons la science judiciaire pour trouver des indices en examinant nos empreintes digitales et dentaires ou encore, en analysant des poudres mystérieuses. Présenter par Sciences en folie Ottawa. Pour les 7-12 ans. Inscription requise.

    La Bibliothèque publique d’Ottawa (BPO) s’efforce de rendre ses programmes universellement accessibles. Si vous avez besoin de mesures d’adaptation, veuillez remplir le présent formulaire :

    Il est préférable de présenter votre demande au moins trois semaines à l’avance.

  • animals looking like detectives
    Thursday Mar 13, 2025 at 2:00pm

    Get ready to experiment with light. Participants will use flashlights and other equipment to learn about light and colour. A simple kaleidoscope craft will enhance their study of the magic of light. Presented by Let’s Talk Science. For ages 7-9. Registration required.

    Ottawa Public Library is committed to making its programs accessible to everyone.  If you need specific accommodations, please fill out this form:

    We prefer at least three weeks' notice for accommodation requests.

  • animals playing detective
    Thursday Mar 13, 2025 at 2:00pm

    Mission prep has begun. We’ll supply the

    parts, and you’ll create your gear. [Drop-in

    program.]  For ages 5-10

    We will be making a DIY I Spy bottle projects.

    La mission est en cours. Venez créer votre

    équipement, nous fournissons le

    matériel.[Programme portes ouvertes.] 

     Pour les 5 à 10 ans.

    Nous allons consevoir un jeu de cherche et trouve dans des bouteilles.