Cover to Cover has multiplied!
Join us once a month for lively discussions on books in a variety of genres and voices.
Starting September 2024, there will be two groups reading the same books, but at different times of the year. Choose a morning session - Daybreak Discussions - or evening session - Nightfall Forum - that works with your schedule.
When you register for a session, there is no need to request a physical copy, as one will be ready for you! If you would prefer a different format such as an e-book or audiobook, please click on the title link below to place a hold through your own account.
By registering for this program, you are registering for a Tuesday morning session. To register for a Thursday evening session, please visit Cover to Cover: Nightfall Forum.
September 10: The Innocents, by Michael Crummey
October 15: The Librarianist, by Patrick DeWitt
November 12: Klara and the Sun, by Keigo Ishiguro
December 10: Theory of Crows, by David Robertson
WINTER SESSIONS ❄ Registration opens December 2024 ❄
January: Starter Villain, by John Scalzi
February: Lessons in Chemistry, by Bonnie Garmus
March:This Is How You Lose The Time War, by Amal Al-Mohtar
SPRING SESSIONS ❀ Registration opens March 2024 ❀
April:This Time Tomorrow, by Emma Straub
May: Yellowface, by R.F. Kuang
June: Bring Your Favourite Book Party!