Join us for Saturday morning fun! Stories, activities and toys for parents/ caregivers & young children.
Joignez-nous pour vous amuser samedi matin. Histoires, des activités et des jouets pour les tout-petits leurs adultes.
Some in-branch programs require registration with your library card. Please log in with your library account or follow this link to apply for a card online. You can also apply for a card in person at any of our 33 locations.
Join us for Saturday morning fun! Stories, activities and toys for parents/ caregivers & young children.
Joignez-nous pour vous amuser samedi matin. Histoires, des activités et des jouets pour les tout-petits leurs adultes.
Welcome some poultry from the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum into your library visit! Listen to
them cluck and coo, touch their soft feathers and watch them scratch and peck. Through fun
educational activities, participants explore the characteristics, needs and lifecycle of these barnyard
favourites. Family program for ages 4+. Register online.
Come and discover the journey of the author and comic book writer Éric Péladeau, judge of the Awesome Authors youth writing contest. You will learn the steps followed to create a comic book and what it takes to become a comic book artist. He will also give you a few tips on how to create an exciting comic strip. Ages 9 and up.
Meet Éric Péladeau:
Welcome some poultry from the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum into your library visit! Listen to
them cluck and coo, touch their soft feathers and watch them scratch and peck. Through fun
educational activities, participants explore the characteristics, needs and lifecycle of these barnyard
favourites. Family program for ages 4+. Register online.
Join local author and contest judge, Catherine Austen, for tips and tricks on how to write a winning short story. Ages 9-12.
Meet Catherine Austen:
Viens découvrir le parcours du bédéiste et auteur Éric Péladeau, juge du concours d’écriture Supers auteur(e)s. Tu apprendras les étapes de création d’une bd et ce que ça prend pour devenir un bédéiste. Après la présentation, il te donnera aussi quelques trucs pour créer un ‘strip’ amusant. Pour les 9 ans et plus.
Rencontre Éric Péladeau:
Drop in and join us for games and activities any time between 2 and 4pm, in partnership with the Manotick Village Community Association (MVAC)! As part of the the Shiverfest festival, we are offering games and activities for children of all ages. Drop in, warm up, and have some fun with us!
Interested in learning chess? Looking for new opponents? Drop in to play with our teen volunteers who can help you improve your game or… come beat them! Every second Saturday of the month (exception – March). Reserved for players aged 7 to 17.
Les échecs, ça t’intéresse? Tu cherches de nouveaux adversaires? Viens jouer avec nos bénévoles ados qui seront là pour t’aider à t’améliorer… ou viens les vaincre! Chaque deuxième samedi du mois (excepté mars.) Réservé aux 7-17 ans.
2024 : Dec 14, 2pm-3:30pm
2025 : always 2:30-4pm
•Jan 11
•Feb/fév 8
•Mar 1 (*instead of Mar 8 / au lieu du 8 mars)
•Apr/avr 12
•May/mai 10
Create and build with Lego®!
Drop-in Family Program.
Drop in to play, make and read! For ages 4-12. Please note that staff will not supervise activities.
Mondays January 13, January 27, February 10 and February 24
Venez jouer ou créer ou lire! Pour les enfants de 4 à 12 ans. Veuillez noter que les activités ne seront pas supervisées par le personnel.
Les lundis 13 janvier, 27 janvier, 10 février et 24 février