Planning for your dependant's end of life' experience.
Do you have a dependant with a disability that would hinder them from making decisions concerning their care at the end of life ? Do you think you may die before your dependant? Would you like to have a say in medical interventions at the end of their lives? Would you like to make sure they would have the care that you would choose if you were with them? Would you like input into their after death service?
Come and chat with Mar. We'll chat about Guardianship, Recording idiosyncrasies your child may have that your guardian and care staff would need to know, Writing down your wishes for your child for medical interventions, Expressing your desire for your child to die at their home, hospital or hospice and Making burial and funeral arrangements,
Mainly, How to talk to your guardian. You need to talk, talk, talk so they know your wishes
Drop-ins welcome, but registration preferred.
Please choose one session (afternoon or evening).
Ottawa Public Library is partnering with the Home Hospice Association to offer death cafés with various themes. Check out the OPL website for upcoming death cafés.