Quick Tips: How to use Grant Connect to find funding prospects
Grant Connect is a fundraising research tool designed to help you find new funding prospects
and win more grants for your organization. You will have the most success using Grant Connect
if you are staff, a board member, or a volunteer seeking funding for a Canadian registered
charity. Try out the tips below to target the right funders for your cause.
Step 1: Run a search for funders based on your cause
● Select a cause from our dropdown menu or type in a keyword related to your charity’s
work. Be general and broad with your initial searches.
● Add filters to target the right funders for your cause. You can add a search filter for your
region, the population you serve, or the type of support your charity needs.
● Sort your results by the funder’s next deadline, the funder’s median gift size, or by how
closely they match to your search.
Step 2: Identify prospective funders
Consider the following questions to help you determine if a funder is the right funding prospect
for your charity:
● Do they have a funding program? Do the program guidelines align with your need?
● Are they open to a request for funding? And if so, when?
● Do their past gifts align with your charity’s fundraising goals?
● Where are they located? Where do they give the majority of their grants?
Step 3: Create a strong application using reliable data
● Determine if you are connected to key decision-makers that can help you in the “About”
section of a funder profile.
● Check out the funder’s evaluation criteria. Make sure you include their stated
preferences in your application.
● Carefully analyze the funder’s giving history. Based on this, determine how much you
should ask for.
Step 4: Consult additional resources
● Check out Grant Connect Delta Training Webinar for tips on using Grant Connect to
find funders.
● Watch short, guided training videos for more tips and tricks:
○ Part 1 - Grant Connect Delta coaching: Navigating funder profiles
○ Part 2 - Grant Connect Delta coaching: Finding funders
● Visit Grant Connect Help Centre for additional support, questions and coaching.
Happy fundraising!