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Faites un potager, cultivez votre nourriture !

Vendredi 15 mai 2020

En ces temps de changement, les denrées alimentaires représentent un enjeu d’importance. Cultiver sa propre nourriture est une façon d’y répondre. Le potager est une source d’approvisionnement économique et écologique qui gagne en popularité. Jardiner est facile, ne requiert qu’un peu de votre temps et vous nourrit d’aliments frais jusqu’en automne. Quoi de mieux que de tendre la main pour cueillir quelques tiges d’herbes fraiches ou une tomate bien mûre pour agrémenter son repas ! À court d’espace? Quelques pots de légumes et d’herbes au balcon ou en bordure de votre fenêtre vous apporteront tout autant de satisfaction !

La bibliothèque publique d'Ottawa vous aide à démarrer votre potager en offrant en ligne une série d'ateliers de jardinage pour tous. Ces formations sont offertes à des dates variées, les mecredis (en anglais) et les jeudis (en français) des mois de mai et de juin. Tous ces programmes sont gratuits et offerts sur la plate-forme Zoom. Vous recevrez le lien à Zoom lors de votre inscription en ligne. L'accès à Zoom pour ces ateliers est également disponible par téléphone.

Basic Organic Gardening

Mercredi 27 mai à 14h 

Introduction au jardinage

Jeudi 28 mai à 14h

The Secret Life of Soil

Mercredi 3 juin à 14h

La vie secrète des sols

Jeudi 3 juin à 14h

10 Easy City Veggies

Mercredi 10 juin à 14 h

Pour d'autres ressources amusantes et utiles sur le jardinage, consultez comment créer un potager familial en 10 étapes et nos livres numériques et ressources en ligne ci-dessous.

Le jardinage
par OPL_BPO_Comms

Des livres numériques sur le jardinage et des recettes

What a re-leaf it's finally spring!
par Collection_Development

Here are some articles and streaming video to help you spring into some gardening action.

  • Gale OneFile Gardening and Horticulture Search Page

    Search here for information about plant hardiness, victory gardens or any of the backyard garden questions you have.
  • Growing Cities
    Access through Hoopla -- From rooftop farmers to backyard beekeepers, Americans are growing food like never before. Growing Cities goes coast to coast to tell the stories of these intrepid urban farmers, activists, and everyday city-dwellers who are challenging the way this country feeds itself. From those growing in backyards to make ends meet to educators teaching kids to eat healthier, viewers find that urban farming is about much more than simply good food.
  • Growing Cities
    Access through (AVOD) Access Video on Demand -- From rooftop farmers to backyard beekeepers, Americans are growing food like never before. Growing Cities goes coast to coast to tell the stories of these intrepid urban farmers, activists, and everyday city-dwellers who are challenging the way this country feeds itself. From those growing in backyards to make ends meet to educators teaching kids to eat healthier, viewers find that urban farming is about much more than simply good food.
  • Gardens of Destiny
    Has North America taken too many risks with its agriculture? In Gardens of Destiny we meet Dan Jason, an organic gardener on Salt Spring Island, on the Canadian west coast. Jason is the head of the Seed and Plant Sanctuary for Canada, a network of gardeners from around the world working to preserve as much plant diversity as possible. This film explores Dan's garden and seed world and investigates with several sustainable development specialists such issues as genetic engineering, terminator seeds and the pitfalls of industrial agriculture in North America.
  • The Queen's Garden
    This documentary reveals a year in Buckingham Palace Gardens, exploring the history and this remarkable hidden royal treasure in the center of London. With unprecedented access we follow the garden's transformation across all four seasons uncovering rare flowers, extraordinary wildlife, a vast lake, and a giant 15ft marble urn that once belonged to Napoleon to name but a few of the treats in store.
  • Growing Change

    Growing Change

    A Journey Inside Venezuela's Food Revolution

    After hearing about efforts in Venezuela to develop a more equitable as well as sustainable food and agriculture system, filmmaker Simon Cunich heads to Venezuela to investigate what we might learn about food sovereignty from the country's various initiatives to reduce the price of food by opening up urban land to community farming. So they may become urban gardeners, the nation is providing citizens with free seeds, tools, and other materials needed to organically grow food.
  • Creating An Eco-Friendly Landscape From the Ground Up
    Most homeowners understand the value of gardening in an eco-friendly manner, but many of us need guidance on how to do it properly. Something as simple as choosing the right plant for the right space can greatly reduce the impact we have on the earth. Filmed in Orlando, Florida, this episode touches on some of the most common mistakes we all make and offers practical, simple tips for gardening in a more earth-friendly way. It also demonstrates to viewers how taking just a few of these simple steps will create healthier plants, tastier produce, and a safer environment for us all to enjoy. Part of Growing a Greener World.
  • More Ways to Create An Eco-Friendly Landscape at Home
    In Creating an Eco-Friendly Landscape from the Ground Up (item #52702), we uncovered some of the most common "non-green" choices we all make when gardening, and offered some better choices and simple solutions. In this episode-filmed in Orlando, Florida-we expand the discussion with ideas on conserving water, providing wildlife habitats, and reducing air pollution. We reveal some of the latest research on how houseplants, including herbs, are doing more to clean our indoor environment than we ever knew was possible. Part of Growing a Greener World.
  • Implementing Urban Greening

    Implementing Urban Greening

    Part 1 - Urban Agriculture and Community Gardens

    This chapter presents the challenges of growing and distributing our nation’s food supply through urban farming, CSA’s, Farmers Markets, and organic markets. What is the impact of chemical fertilizers on the public health of our communities? Can the growing urban micro-farm and community-garden movements improve the quality of the food we eat and bring communities together?
  • Implementing Urban Greening

    Implementing Urban Greening

    Part 2 - Urban Forestry

    In the battle to save our cities, urban forestry stands guard on the front lines. Tree-lined streets not only beautify, but also help to moderate city temperatures and fight air pollution—in addition to raising property values. Trees hold water and prevent run-off and erosion. Tree planting and maintenance foster community spirit and strengthen neighborhoods.