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Welcome to Writing Program Historic Fiction & Research

Welcome to Writing Series - Historic Fiction & Research with John C Nash & Allan McCarville

The Stittsville Creative Writing Group, in conjunction with the Ottawa Public Library, is pleased to present the Welcome to Writing Series. This is a collection of seminars or workshops with the goal of making you a better writer. Our intent is to foster creativity, literacy, and love of the written word. Members of the SCWG will present on the indicated topic. Registration is required. 

Have you ever wanted to write historical fiction or perhaps write your family history, but don’t know where to start? Then this seminar is for you. This is a seminar on Research Methodologies for Historical Novels. The seminar will provide suggestions on how to undertake historical fiction, identify various sources of information, and identify some of the more common pitfalls that can get a writer into trouble. In writing the aim is to capture something of the atmosphere and feeling of the epoch of the works, avoiding errors of fact that lie in wait for the unwary author.