Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver.
Drop In
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Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver.
Drop In
Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver. Drop-in.
Join us for a program that features:
· dimmed lighting
· sensory toys
· a smaller number of participants
· an adapted circle time with stories, rhymes and songs
During this program there will be opportunities for open play and a chance to connect with other families. The circle time portion of this program is offered in the last 20 minutes of the session. A family member must be present for the duration of the program.
This program provides a welcoming environment and respects the needs of children from 18 months to 6 years who live with developmental disabilities and/or autism, or who show signs of a developmental delay.
Join us for a discussion of cookbooks and recipes. Try a recipe from each month’s cookbook selection and tell us what you think!
All Day Baking:
Savoury, Not Sweet : Pies, Quiches, Galettes, Tarts, Preserves and More
by James, Michael
No registration required. All are welcome!
When the kids are not in school on PA days, don't let their creativity dwindle! Let them show off your architectural creativity with Lego®! Drop-in program.
Lorsque les enfants sont en congés lors des journées pédagogiques, ne les laissez pas perdre leur créativité ! Laissez les devenir des architectes en herbes avec nos Lego®! Inscription non requise.
Drop-in at the Carlingwood Branch for Wii U Game On!
Not sure how to play? No worries! Our teen volunteers running this program will be happy to help.
Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages with a parent/caregiver.
*English program
Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver.
Drop In
30 minutes
Cuentos, rimas y canciones para niños de todas las edades, acompañados de un padre o guardian
No necesita inscribirse
Duración: 30 minutos
When the kids are not in school on PA days, don't let their creativity dwindle! Let them show off your architectural creativity with Lego®! Drop-in program.
Lorsque les enfants sont en congés lors des journées pédagogiques, ne les laissez pas perdre leur créativité ! Laissez les devenir des architectes en herbes avec nos Lego®! Inscription non requise.
Join us for a discussion of cookbooks and recipes. Try a recipe from each month’s cookbook selection and tell us what you think!
Maman:The Cookbook : All-day Recipes to Warm your Heart
by Marshall, Elisa
No registration required. All are welcome!