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  • le samedi 15 mars 2025 à 14 h

    Join us for a quick trip across the pond from the comfort of your seat! Photos and narration cover multiple trips via car, ship, bus through Scotland and Ireland.

    Ireland journey includes Cork, Dublin, Northern Ireland (Belfast, Londonderry, Giant’s Causeway) and the west coast (Cliffs of Mohr, Connemara). Scotland journey includes the Hebrides, Edinburgh, Inverness, and the Shetland Islands.

    Presented by Lynda Buske from the Ottawa PC Users’ Group and the Orleans Photo Club.

    Registration required.

  • Web banner for travel
    le jeudi 20 mars 2025 à 18 h

    Experience the beauty of Alaska through Lynda's photos and narration of multiple Alaskan cruises. Explore the glaciers and watch her pan for gold! Presented by Lynda Buske from the Ottawa PC Users' Group and the Orleans Photo Club.

    Registration required. Registrants will receive an additional email with the Zoom link ahead of the program.

  • Bill and Ted stand by the time-travelling phone booth with their adult daughters
    le vendredi 21 mars 2025 à 14 h

    Join us once a month for Friday afternoon sci-fi films,​ from classic B-movies to modern movie masterpieces.

    Bill and Ted Face the Music (2020)

    1 h 32 minutes. Courtesy of Kanopy.

    Once told they'd save the universe during a time-traveling adventure, two would-be rockers from San Dimas, California find themselves as middle-aged dads still trying to crank out a hit song and fulfill their destiny.

  • a picture of TV screens
    le samedi 22 mars 2025 à 10 h 30

    Dive into the world of online video streaming! Ottawa Public Library provides access to resources such as Hoopla,, Kanopy, & more. Adults are invited to a presentation and information session with library staff about various online streaming services accessible through OPL. You may bring your mobile device to practice using these resources but are not required to do so. ​

    Registration required

  • le samedi 22 mars 2025 à 11 h

    L'inscription débute le lundi 10 février 2025 - 10h00

    Get a Techno Buddy!

    Technology and Social Media can be overwhelming.

    Teen Volunteers share their Social Media knowledge with older Adult in a two-on-one setting.  

    Areas of technology help will focus on user’s personal account use by initial setting up of the accounts and how use the site:



    X (former Twitter)


    One hour= One topic

    If you want to cover a different topic from the list, Facilitator will need to approve it, as this is a one hour session.

    Meeting place: Teen Zone on the 3rd floor.

    Please bring your device fully charged (ex. cell phone, tablet, or laptop).

    Please provide a phone number we can contact you about your topic.

    You can sign up for one session and one waiting list slot per quarter.

  • le samedi 22 mars 2025 à 14 h

    The average time it takes for an unprotected computer to be compromised after connecting to the Internet is under 15 minutes. Don't let it be yours. Chris Taylor, President of the Ottawa PC Users' Group will show you the simple steps you need to take to keep your PC from being hacked. And best of all, it can be done for free.

  • Web banner for Arts and Culture
    le samedi 22 mars 2025 à 14 h 30

    Désolé, cet événement et sa liste d'attente sont complets.

    Participants will create their own picture using pebbles and seashells.  Let the shapes of the pebbles and shells guide you to create unique works of art!

  • Red suitcase chained to a walker, on a path to industrial-style housing
    le dimanche 23 mars 2025 à 14 h

    Joignez-vous à nous un dimanche par mois pour​ des films documentaires en français !

    J'ai placé ma mère (2022)

    1 h 15 minutes. Gracieuseté de Kanopy.

    À la manière d’un journal filmé, ce film documentaire nous plonge dans l’expérience personnelle du cinéaste et de sa sœur qui veulent s’assurer que leur mère termine dignement ses jours dans le système des CHSLD (centres d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée). Dans les dédales de cette épreuve rocambolesque, Denys Desjardins pose un regard caméra d’une grande tendresse sur sa mère. Avec respect et amour, il dévoile l’humour insoupçonné de cette femme attachante.

  • le lundi 24 mars 2025 à 13 h 30 (la série se déroule jusqu'à lundi 16 juin 2025)

    Enjoy singing your favourite soft pop songs from the 50’s-80’s, Celtic and other folk music! All ages and levels of experience welcome. 

    3rd Monday of the month@ 1:30-3:00.

    September-June. Some exceptions may apply. 

    There is no session in February.

    March session held Monday, March 24th.

  • Web banner for travel
    le lundi 24 mars 2025 à 18 h

    Experience Norway through photos and narration of two separate cruises. See scenery from north of the Arctic circle and enjoy misty fjords, mountain top vistas and wild reindeer! Presented by Lynda Buske from the Ottawa PC Users’ Group and the Orleans Photo Club.  

    Registration is limited. Please pre-register online. ​