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Certains programmes en succursale requièrent une inscription avec votre carte de bibliothèque. Veuillez-vous connecter avec votre compte de bibliothèque ou suivre ce lien pour demander une carte en ligne. Vous pouvez également demander une carte en personne dans l'une de nos 33 succursales.

  • Le vendredi 8 novembre à 16 h
    120 minutes

    Come watch a FREE screening of fun, family-friendly movies every Friday this fall at the Blackburn Hamlet branch! Bring your own water bottle. Costumes are always welcome!  

    Moana (2017) - 107 mins - PG

    A mythic adventure set around 2,000 years ago across a series of islands in the South Pacific. The film follows the journey of a spirited teenager named Moana as she meets the once-mighty demi-god Maui, and together they traverse the open ocean, encountering enormous fiery creatures and impossible odds.

    Le film sera visionné en anglais / Movie will be shown in English 

  • Les samedis, 9 novembre, 2024 - 14 décembre, 2024
    10 h 30
    30 minutes

    6 sessions restantes

    Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver. Drop-in.

  • Le vendredi 15 novembre à 16 h
    90 minutes

    Come watch a FREE screening of fun, family-friendly movies every Friday this fall at the Blackburn Hamlet branch! Bring your own water bottle. Costumes are always welcome!  

    Alice in Wonderland - 109 mins - PG

    Alice Kingsleigh is a young woman at a crossroads. Not knowing what she wants from life, she is being pushed, pulled, strong-armed, and confused into doing what everyone expects of her. A marriage proposal in front of friends and family pushes Alice over the edge and down the rabbit hole into a place she hasn't visited since her father died 10 years before. Only problem is, she's now a very different person, has no memories of Underland, and is somehow still expected to be someone she's not. How can she argue with something that's mapped out in full visual splendor in the prophetic Oraculum? With the help of The Mad Hatter, The White Queen, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Absolom, The Cheshire Cat, and the Bandersnatch, can Alice unlock the mystery of her past and light a path to her future?

    Le film sera visionné en anglais / Movie will be shown in English 

  • Les samedis, 16 novembre, 2024 - 14 décembre, 2024
    10 h 30
    60 minutes

    3 sessions restantes

    Get ready to giggle and move in this action-packed hour of music, dance, and entertaining games. Drop-in program. Ages 4-6.

    September 21

    November 16 & 30

    December 14

    Venez vous amuser, bouger et rigoler pendant cette heure énergique de musique, danse et jeux interactifs. Programme portes ouvertes. Pour les 4 à 6 ans.

    21 septembre

    16 et 30 novembre

    14 décembre

  • People reading books

    Le samedi 16 novembre à 14 h 30
    60 minutes

    Share the love of reading! This program is for kids aged 9-12 and a parent or guardian. Read a book together, and then join us for fun and a book chat. You may select one of the titles below, or you may bring your own favourite book to share. Registration required. One registration per family.

          cover of Dogtown                         cover of Hello, Universe

    Place a hold for Dogtown          Place a hold for Hello, Universe   

  • Le vendredi 22 novembre à 16 h
    90 minutes

    Come watch a FREE screening of fun, family-friendly movies every Friday this fall at the Blackburn Hamlet branch! Bring your own water bottle. Costumes are always welcome!  

    Meet the Robinsons - 95 mins - G

    Join a brilliant young inventor named Lewis as he sets off on a time-traveling journey to find the family he never knew. In the world of 2037, hip-hoppin' frogs and dogs that wear glasses are as common as talking dinosaurs. In an amazing twist, Lewis discovers that the fate of the future rests in his hands, but he can't save it alone. He meets the wacky Robinson family, who help him learn to keep moving forward and never stop believing in himself.

    Le film sera visionné en anglais / Movie will be shown in English 

  • Hobbies and crafts

    Les lundis, 25 novembre, 2024 - 2 décembre, 2024
    12 h 00
    180 minutes

    2 sessions restantes

    Looking for something to do?  Drop in for some crafts and games.  Ages 6-12

    Tu t’ennuies? Tu ne sais pas quoi faire?  Viens à la biblio pour bricoler et jouer.  6 à 12 ans.

  • Le lundi 25 novembre à 13 h 30
    120 minutes

    Create and build with Lego®! Drop-in program. ​Ages 6-12.

    NOTE: This is a stay and play program without staff supervision.​

    Architectes en herbe, à vos Lego®! Programme portes ouvertes.​ 6 à 12 ans.

    NOTEZ BIEN : Cette activité n’est pas supervisée par le personnel.

  • Le lundi 25 novembre à 14 h
    90 minutes

    When the kids are not in school on PA days, don't let their creativity dwindle! Let them show off your architectural creativity with Lego®! Drop-in program.

    Lorsque les enfants sont en congés lors des journées pédagogiques, ne les laissez pas perdre leur créativité !  Laissez les devenir des architectes en herbes avec nos Lego®! Inscription non requise.

  • Les jeudis, 28 novembre, 2024 - 12 décembre, 2024
    16 h 00
    60 minutes

    3 sessions restantes

    Hey Tweens! Join us after school for S.T.E.A.M fun.

    November 28 - Ozobots

    December 5 - Circuitry

    December 12 - Free choice (Several STEAM activities will be available. You can choose one or combine several)

     Ages 8-12.

    Registration required