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  • le samedi 8 février 2025 à 10 h

    Drop in to chat with staff from the Nepean, Rideau and Osgoode Community Resource Centre. Learn about the various services offered by the centre and ask your questions about resources for free community programs, mental and physical health, parenting, legal services and more!​

    To learn more, visit their website:

    Hope to see you there!

  • le lundi 10 février 2025 à 10 h (la série se déroule jusqu'à lundi 26 mai 2025)

    Are you looking for work? Unemployed or underemployed?

    Drop-in to meet one-on-one with an Employment Counsellor from the Pinecrest-Queensway Employment Services team.

  • le lundi 10 février 2025 à 12 h 30 (la série se déroule jusqu'à lundi 24 février 2025)

    Meet other language learners and native speakers for conversation in a relaxed and friendly environment. For learners and speakers of any language.

    Please Note: The January 6, 2025 session has been cancelled 

    Rejoignez notre groupe de conversation multi-langues. Il s'agit d'un groupe amical pour causer dans un environnement détendu. Ce programme est pour apprenants et pour locuteurs natifs de toutes les langues.

    Veuillez noter : la session du 6 janvier est annulée 

  • le lundi 10 février 2025 à 18 h (la série se déroule jusqu'à lundi 31 mars 2025)

    Vous avez déjà une base en anglais et vous cherchez un endroit avec une ambiance décontractée et amicale pour pratiquer vos habiletés de converser en anglais? Joignez-vous à notre groupe de conversation en anglais! Recevez des conseils, rencontrez de nouvelles personnes et gagnez de la confiance à converser en anglais.

    20 et 27 janvier 2025

    3, 10 et 24 février 2025

    3, 10, 17, 24 et 31 mars 2025

    Do you already have some basic English language skills, and are you looking for a casual, friendly environment where you can practice your English speaking skills? Join our English conversation group! Receive guidance from our leaders, meet new people and gain confidence in your ability to speak English.

    January 20 and 27, 2025

    February 3, 10 and 24, 2025

    March 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31, 2025

  • le mardi 11 février 2025 à 09 h (la série se déroule jusqu'à mardi 24 juin 2025)

    Need Skills Training to Stand Out from the Crowd?  Learn how to access Free Online Courses.  Join us for a presentation and Q & A!

    Offered by Contact North.

    Avez-vous besoin de développer des compétences pour vous distinguer?  Apprenez comment accéder à des cours en ligne gratuits.​

    Offert par Contact Nord.​

  • le mardi 11 février 2025 à 13 h (la série se déroule jusqu'à mardi 17 juin 2025)

    Learn and practice new English language skills and meet new people in a relaxed and friendly environment. Everyone welcome! Drop in.​

    ​Apprenez et pratiquez votre anglais parlé et rencontrez des gens dans un milieu décontracté.​ Tous sont bienvenus! Inscription non-requise.

  • English Conversation Group
    le mardi 11 février 2025 à 18 h (la série se déroule jusqu'à mardi 24 juin 2025)

    Practice your English conversation skills in a low-pressure, friendly environment. All levels are welcome. 

  • le mardi 11 février 2025 à 18 h

    In Canada, your credit score affects major life decisions - from getting an apartment to securing a good interest rate on a loan. Learn how the Canadian credit system works and build the knowledge you need to make smart financial choices.

    In This Workshop, You'll Learn:

    • The basics of credit in Canada and how it affects your daily life
    • Learn when to use credit
    • What's in your credit report and how to read it
    • Steps to build your credit history
    • Practical ways to maintain good credit
    • Which credit cards and loans best suit your needs
    • Better options than Payday loans and other high-interest products

    After the workshop, you'll know how to get your credit report, understand your credit score, and choose loans or credit cards that work best for you. You'll also learn to spot credit offers with very high interest rates, like payday loans, and discover better options to borrow money when needed.

    About OCLF:

    At OCLF, we help newcomers and immigrants build strong financial futures in Canada. Since 2000, we've worked with thousands of Ottawa residents, providing the knowledge and tools needed to succeed. We teach practical money skills and offer affordable financing options to help you reach your goals. Our experienced team understands the unique challenges of beginning your new life in Canada, and we're here to support your success.

  • le mardi 11 février 2025 à 18 h 30 (la série se déroule jusqu'à mardi 24 juin 2025)

    Do you need a casual, friendly environment where you can practice your English-speaking skills?  Look no further than the English Conversation Group!  Receive guidance from our experienced conversation group leaders, meet new people, and gain confidence in your English speaking.

  • le mardi 11 février 2025 à 18 h 45 (la série se déroule jusqu'à mardi 10 juin 2025)

    Practice English and meet new friends in a relaxed and friendly environment. 

    Margaret is an accredited teacher of English as a Second Language with more than 8 years experience in teaching adults who are new to Canada. Margaret endeavours to assist English learners strengthen their language skills through engaging conversations and discussions of some of the practical and cultural intricacies of living in Canada.