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Gender-inclusive Makeup Basics

Teen Staycation

For absolutely anyone who wants to learn about makeup! We will go over foundation, eyeshadows, eyeliner, and hopefully false lashes! We will also cover key products like primer, setting spray, and colour correctors. You don’t have to own any makeup to take this course, as you will get some useful tips and suggestions to build up your collection. If you already have makeup, you can pull it out and follow along with the tutorials.

This program is taught by cosplayer Jessica Harkonnen. 

About Jessica Harkonnen

Jessica considers herself a “Cosplay Engineer” because she makes things that are big enough that they need, well, engineering, to be possible. Jessica also regularly participates in panels at conventions because she loves to share her skills to help all cosplayers make their dreams into real costumes. Jessica is an ally and wants to make her panels a safe place for everyone to learn. 

Registration required. Registrants will receive an additional email with the Zoom link ahead of the program.