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  • Mario

    Le mardi 28 mai à 15 h
    60 minutes

    Drop-in to play video games on our PS4 and WiiU. For ages 13-18. Drop-in. 

  • Le jeudi 15 août à 14 h 30
    90 minutes

    L'inscription débute le lundi 10 juin 2024 - 10h00

    Do you love graphic novels? Do you have a super cool, super fantastic idea of your own? Come join award winning author, illustrator, nice guy Rob Justus for a fun workshop on how to create the greatest graphic novels ever!!! Learn how to create immersive worlds, detailed characters, and most importantly how to pace a story from panel to panel, and page to page. Bring a seedling of an idea and leave with a garden of graphic novel knowledge.  Ages 13-18.