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  • Les samedis, 1 juin, 2024 - 29 juin, 2024
    10 h 00
    90 minutes

    5 sessions restantes

    Join us for Saturday morning fun! There will be stories, self-directed activities and toys for parents/caregivers and young children. 

    Drop-in program

    Joignez-nous pour vous amuser samedi matin. Il y aura des histoires, des activités et des jouets pour les tout-petits et leurs adultes.​

    Programme portes ouvertes. 

  • summer reading club images

    Le lundi 15 juillet à 14 h 30
    60 minutes

    L'inscription débute le lundi 10 juin 2024 - 10h00

    If an elephant and a salmon became one animal, what would this creature look like? Inspired by the playful sculptures and drawings of Russell Yuristy, come play with some clay and sculpt your own imaginary critter. Ages 7-12. | Si on fusionnait un éléphant et un saumon, de quoi aurait l’air ce nouvel animal? Inspirés par les sculptures et dessins ludiques de Russell Yuristy, nous jouerons avec de l’argile pour sculpter nos propres créatures imaginaires. Pour les 7 à 12 ans. 

  • SRC webcard stargazing children

    Le lundi 22 juillet à 10 h 30
    60 minutes

    L'inscription débute le lundi 10 juin 2024 - 10h00

    Space exploration requires complex robotics and constant technological innovation. From rockets and rovers to satellites and orbiters there is all sorts of robotics inventions in space. This workshop presents the various forms of robotics used in space exploration and challenges participants to design and prototype their very own space robot. Presented by the Canada Science and Technology Museum! Ages 8-12.

  • summer reading club images

    Le lundi 12 août à 10 h 30
    60 minutes

    L'inscription débute le lundi 10 juin 2024 - 10h00

    For this program, Parrot Partners will bring at least 3 parrots, from different areas of the world, ranging in size from very small and ‘spunky’ to massive and ‘mellow.’  We introduce each parrot, one at a time, and share interesting and entertaining facts and stories about their natures and lives in the wild and in our homes.   Participants will be offered the opportunity to give our parrots a treat or drink from a safety cup or feeding skewer, as well as pose for photos with the parrots. Family program for ages 4+.