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  • images of four older adults

    Le mercredi 3 juillet à 10 h

    The Ottawa Public Library is happy to celebrate Seniors Month by offering programs for older adults every Wednesday in June, July and August.

    Participants will increase their knowledge related to mental wellness and resiliency as they age. Useful tools and ideas will be shared to help create tangible and concrete plans to support mental wellness.

    Registration required for Zoom link. Link will be sent via email.

  • quatre personne aines

    Le mercredi 10 juillet à 13 h

    La Bibliothèque publique d'Ottawa est heureuse de célébrer le Mois des aînés en offrant des programmes pour les adultes plus âgés chaque mercredis en juin, juillet et août.

    Les participants amélioreront leurs connaissances en matière de bien-être mental et de résilience à mesure qu'ils vieillissent. Des outils et des idées utiles seront partagés pour aider à créer des plans tangibles et concrets pour soutenir le bien-être mental.

  • images of four older adults

    Le mercredi 17 juillet à 18 h

    The Ottawa Public Library is happy to celebrate Seniors Month by offering programs for older adults every Wednesday in June, July and August.

    Participants will increase their knowledge related to mental wellness and resiliency as they age. Useful tools and ideas will be shared to help create tangible and concrete plans to support mental wellness.

    Registration required for Zoom link. Link will be sent via email.

  • images of four older adults

    Le mercredi 24 juillet à 13 h

    The Ottawa Public Library is happy to celebrate Seniors Month by offering programs for older adults every Wednesday in June, July and August.

    Participants will increase their knowledge related to mental wellness and resiliency as they age. Useful tools and ideas will be shared to help create tangible and concrete plans to support mental wellness.

    Registration required for Zoom link. Link will be sent via email.