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  • Le vendredi 14 juin à 14 h 30
    90 minutes

    Désolé, cet événement et sa liste d'attente sont complets.

    Join us on Friday afternoons to explore the art of drawing and mark-making as a form of mindfulness. Each session will focus on a different creative technique that we can use to create beautiful art. But if you would just like to sit and colour while sipping some hot chocolate or herbal tea, then please do!

    All skill levels are welcome!
    All materials and refreshments will be provided for participants.

  • Le jeudi 20 juin à 18 h
    120 minutes

    Learn, in simple terms, how your camera works to enable you to take better photos. The lecture will cover tips on composition, depth of field, lighting, people pictures and how to avoid common pitfalls. Learn how to get off the automatic setting on your camera and take control! Presented by Lynda Buske from the Ottawa PC Users' Group and the Orleans Photo Club.