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  • NFB logo

    Le jeudi 8 août à 18 h 30
    35 minutes

    International Pride Month

    Picture This (2017) by Jari Osborne

    What does it mean to be disabled and desirable? In Picture This, a new documentary by Jari Osborne, we meet Andrew Gurza, a self-described “queer cripple” who has made it his mission to make sex and disability part of the public discourse.

    33 minutes - English only

  • Le samedi 10 août à 13 h 30
    120 minutes

    Learn about Canadian workplace culture and how you can break into the Canadian Job Market. 

    Newcomers program.

    Please register online. 

  • smiling woman playing with virtual reality headset and controllers

    Le mercredi 21 août à 13 h 30
    90 minutes

    Drop by to play some of the many games on our Oculus Rift system! Explore mountains or deep seas, ride roller coasters, soar as an eagle, challenge your agility with Beat Saber or Fruit Ninja, defend your castle as an archer or your spaceship with a laser, and many more! 

    All games are single-player with English dialogue/text.

    How it works: drop in during the session and write your name on the sign-up sheet to reserve a 10-minute time-slot (no sign-ups ahead of time)

    Safety tip: to prevent falls, wear closed flat shoes, not flip-flops or high heels

    Ages: 10 to Adult (headset may be too large to fit smaller players)

  • Le mercredi 28 août à 13 h
    60 minutes

    Join other readers and share your favourite reads of the Summer.  A great opportunity to get reading recommendations from other book lovers. 

    August 28th 

    1 - 2 pm

  • poster for Gamera vs. Guiron

    Le mercredi 4 septembre à 18 h 30
    150 minutes

    Ottawa Bad Movie Nights and Ottawa Public Library present a screening of Gamera vs. Guiron (1969).

    Please join us from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, at the OPL's Main Branch Auditorium. The event will also feature other bad movie items like trailers and serials.

    The event is free to attend. In English.

    Note: This film is intended for a mature audience. Viewer discretion is advised.

  • Le mardi 24 septembre à 18 h
    60 minutes

    Vous voulez appuyer votre enfant dans la découverte de son amour pour la lecture?  Cet atelier est destiné aux parents d'enfants de la 1ère à la 3e année.  Nos experts en matière de littératie vous présenterons des stratégies de lecture, des trucs pour aider la motivation, les ressources disponibles à la BPO et répondrons à vos questions.  

    Soyez des nôtres!

    Inscription requise.

  • Le lundi 30 septembre à 18 h 30
    90 minutes

    Join us for a discussion of cookbooks and recipes. Try a recipe from each month’s cookbook selection and tell us what you think!

     No registration required.

    All are welcome!

  • poster for The Bat

    Le mercredi 2 octobre à 18 h 30
    150 minutes

    Ottawa Bad Movie Nights and Ottawa Public Library present a screening of The Bat (1959).

    Please join us from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, at the OPL's Main Branch Auditorium. The event will also feature other bad movie items like trailers and serials.

    The event is free to attend. In English.

    Note: This film is intended for a mature audience. Viewer discretion is advised.

  • poster for Escape from L.A.

    Le mercredi 6 novembre à 18 h 30
    150 minutes

    Ottawa Bad Movie Nights and Ottawa Public Library present a screening of Escape from L.A. (1996).

    Please join us from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, at the OPL's Main Branch Auditorium. The event will also feature other bad movie items like trailers and serials.

    The event is free to attend. In English.

    Note: This film is intended for a mature audience. Viewer discretion is advised.

  • poster for Chopping Mall

    Le mercredi 4 décembre à 18 h 30
    150 minutes

    Ottawa Bad Movie Nights and Ottawa Public Library present a screening of Chopping Mall (1988).

    Please join us from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, at the OPL's Main Branch Auditorium. The event will also feature other bad movie items like trailers and serials.

    The event is free to attend. In English.

    Note: This film is intended for a mature audience. Viewer discretion is advised.