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  • Le mercredi 15 mai à 17 h 30
    90 minutes

    Come and join us for the evening of learning how to crochet amigurumi Octopus.

    All materials provided. Basic experience needed.

    Registration only.

  • Le mercredi 29 mai à 17 h 30
    90 minutes

    Come and join us for the evening of learning how to crochet amigurumi Cupcake.

    All material provided. Basic experience needed.

    Registration only.

  • Le lundi 10 juin à 18 h 15
    90 minutes

    Join us for a new take on the traditional Macrame craft of knotting.

    Learn a few basic knots and create a mini macrame hanger.

    Create beautiful work of art to give as a gift or just keep it  for yourself.

    No experience needed. All supplies provided.