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Certains programmes en succursale requièrent une inscription avec votre carte de bibliothèque. Veuillez-vous connecter avec votre compte de bibliothèque ou suivre ce lien pour demander une carte en ligne. Vous pouvez également demander une carte en personne dans l'une de nos 33 succursales.

  • Le mercredi 19 juin à 10 h 30
    90 minutes

    Presented by South-East Ottawa Community Health

    Find out about:

    •Community Support Services for seniors and adults with physical disabilities

    •Volunteer Opportunities.

    Services discussed will include medical transportation, handy helpers, friendly visitors, respite care, home making, caregiver support and more

  • Le mercredi 19 juin à 18 h
    120 minutes

    Participants will explore what’s involved (practically, emotionally, and financially) in continuing to live independently with services and supports.  
    This will include an overview of common needs, available options, and financial considerations.

    Presented by the Council on Aging of Ottawa. 

  • Manotick United Church

    Le jeudi 20 juin à 14 h

    A powwow is a gathering to celebrate First Nations culture through dance, songs, food and crafts, and is open to all.

    This workout will incorporate powwow dance steps from different styles of powwow dance and the sounds of contemporary and traditional powwow music into a simple, follow-along workout.

    Amanda Fox is Ojibwe from Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory on Manitoulin Island, and is based in Ottawa, Ontario. Amanda is a jingle dress dancer, singer, beadwork artist, sewing artist, powwow workout instructor, and workshop facilitator. She started dancing as soon as she could walk and has a profound knowledge in powwow dance and protocols.

  • Le jeudi 20 juin à 18 h
    120 minutes

    In this informal self-guided program, adults are invited to discuss their favourite books and genres in a relaxed atmosphere. Unlike traditional book clubs, no specific book is selected for each session. This is an opportunity for people to get together to talk about what they are reading and inspire each other's future reads. 

    Third Thursday evening of each month


  • Night Owls Book Club

    Le jeudi 20 juin à 18 h
    60 minutes

    New to independent reading?

    Join our family book club and discover great reading suggestions to get you started and keep you going. 

    We will share favorites, listen to read-alouds and participate in book-related art activities.

    For kids ages 6-8 and their adult reading partner.

  • Le jeudi 20 juin à 18 h
    120 minutes

    Learn, in simple terms, how your camera works to enable you to take better photos. The lecture will cover tips on composition, depth of field, lighting, people pictures and how to avoid common pitfalls. Learn how to get off the automatic setting on your camera and take control! Presented by Lynda Buske from the Ottawa PC Users' Group and the Orleans Photo Club.

  • Les jeudis, 20 juin, 2024 - 19 décembre, 2024
    18 h 30
    90 minutes

    27 sessions restantes

    Désolé, cet événement et sa liste d'attente sont complets.

    Do you love to write? Is writing the air you breathe, or is there ink in your veins?

    The Stittsville Creative Writing Group is a collection of people who love to write.

    We meet weekly to read from text we have written on our own time during the previous week, and engage in other writing activities.

    This is not a class on writing, or a workshop for manuscripts. Instead, we are people who love to write and share our works. 

    There are those who mostly listen rather than write, those who write prolifically but only share with the group, and a broad spectrum in between.

    If your interest is in the love of writing, this group may be for you.

  • NFB logo

    Le jeudi 20 juin à 18 h 30
    90 minutes

    The Inconvenient Indian 

    The Inconvenient Indian dives deep into the brilliant mind of Thomas King, Indigenous intellectual, master storyteller, and author of the bestselling book The Inconvenient Indian, to shatter the misconception that history is anything more than stories we tell about the past. With winks to his cab driver Coyote along the way, King takes us on a critical journey through the colonial narratives of North America. He eloquently exposes the falsehoods of white supremacy and deftly punctures myths of Indigenous erasure to lay bare what has been extracted from the land, culture, and peoples of Turtle Island. In this time of momentous change and essential re- examination, Inconvenient Indian is a powerful visual poem anchored in the land and amplified by the voices of those who continue the tradition of Indigenous resistance. Artist activists, land protectors, hunters, and those leading cultural revitalization powerfully subvert the “inconvenience” of their existence, creating an essential new narrative and a possible path forward for us all.

    English, Inuktitut, Cree and Anishinaabemowin with English subtitles | 2020 | 90 minutes.

  • Le jeudi 20 juin à 19 h
    60 minutes

    Join us for a discussion of cookbooks and recipes. Try a recipe from each month’s cookbook selection and tell us what you think! ​
    All are welcome. 

  • Sleuth Hounds

    Le jeudi 20 juin à 19 h
    90 minutes

    Join us to discuss books from the science fiction and fantasy genres each month.  All are welcome! 

    Every 3rd Thursday of the month from 7:00pm to 8:30pm.

    Here's what we're reading spring/summer 2024:

    Please note: Registrants are responsible for securing a copy of the book to read or listen to.