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    Le mercredi 22 mai à 18 h
    60 minutes

    Join us for the ultimate armchair travel around Europe. The European Book Club is offered in partnership with European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC) in Ottawa to promote contemporary European authors and their works. A book title from an EU country is selected for discussion each month.

    Join author Viveca Sten to discus her Hidden in Snow.

    Photo of Viveca Sten by Peter Knutson.

  • 3 children reading and one child browsing the bookshelf

    Le jeudi 13 juin à 18 h 30
    60 minutes

    Sorry this event is full

    This club meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month. (Due to March Break, the meeting will be pushed to March 21st.)

    Come share the enjoyment of reading books with other kids ages 9-12!

    Each meeting we will have a book battle to choose the book we will be reading that month. 

    Registration required (up to 8 participants).