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  • Le lundi 27 mai à 19 h

    Kim Thúy a quitté le Vietnam avec les boat people à l’âge de dix ans et s’est installée avec sa famille au Québec. Diplômée en traduction et en droit, l’écrivaine a travaillé comme couturière, interprète, avocate et propriétaire de restaurant. Ses livres sont traduits en 31 langues dans 43 pays et territoires. À l’occasion du Mois du patrimoine asiatique, BPO vous invite à venir à la rencontre de l’écrivaine, dont l'histoire a été traduite au grand écran en novembre 2023 avec le film RU, à travers un échange avec la journaliste et animatrice Evelyne Charuest.

  • Asian Heritage Month | Mois de patrimoine asiatique

    Le jeudi 30 mai à 18 h 30
    135 minutes

    *Nominated for the Oscar for best documentary at the Academy Awards.

    In a small Indian village, Ranjit wakes up to find that his 13-year-old daughter has not returned from a family wedding. A few hours later, she’s found stumbling home. After being abducted into the woods, she was sexually assaulted by three men. Ranjit goes to the police, and the men are arrested. But Ranjit’s relief is short-lived, as the villagers and their leaders launch a sustained campaign to force the family to drop the charges. A cinematic documentary, To Kill a Tiger follows Ranjit’s uphill battle to find justice for his child. In India, where a rape is reported every 20 minutes and conviction rates are less than 30 percent, Ranjit’s decision to support his daughter is virtually unheard of. With tremendous access, we witness the emotional journey of an ordinary man facing extraordinary circumstances. A father whose love for his daughter forces a social reckoning that will reverberate for years to come.

    2022 | 135 minutes | Original Version in Hindi and Nagpurii with English subtitles