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  • Le mercredi 15 mai à 18 h 30
    90 minutes

    2024 will be one of the most consequential years in the history of democracy. Elections have been or will be held in many countries ranging in size and power from El Salvador to India. The decisions of voters will determine whether the worldwide growth in authoritarianism over the past twenty years will continue or democracy will begin to make a comeback.

    The US Presidential and Congressional elections on Tuesday November 5 stand out as an especially critical democratic moment for two reasons: first because they will be a supreme test of American democracy; and second because they will send a powerful message to the rest of the world, including the dictatorships and wannabe dictatorships.

    The group will discuss the background and issues of Democracy on Trial and week by week follow the important democratic events and developments of 2024.

    Mr. Robert Miller will lead the discussion. He is the author of Canada and Democratic Development and, prior to his retirement, served as President and CEO of the Parliamentary Centre, Canada’s leading institution promoting and supporting international democratic development.

    Session #1 Wednesday, April 3: Is History Repeating Itself?

    Session #2, Wednesday April 10: Democratic Fatigue and the Appeal of the Strong Man

    Session #3, Wednesday, April 17: Big Countries and Small: The Cases of El Salvador and Rwanda, Russia and India

    Session # 4, Wednesday, April 24: The Fire Next Door: The Authoritarian Impulse in the United States

    Session #5, Wednesday, May 1: Donald Trump and the Invention of Trumpism

    Session #6, Wednesday, May 8: Can it Happen Here? If Trump wins, is Canada next? A discussion with John Ibbitson, Globe and Mail columnist and one of Canada’s leading authors on politics and public affairs.

    Registration recommended.   

  • Le lundi 10 juin à 18 h
    60 minutes

    L'inscription débute le lundi 13 mai 2024 - 10h00

    Come and enjoy photos shown on a big screen, and narration from multiple car trips around this wonderful province.  Highlights include Viking settlement in L'anse aux meadows, Fjord at Western Brook Pond, the Tablelands, Bonavista, Twillingate, Cape Spear, and icebergs.  

    Presented by Lynda Buske from the Ottawa PC Users' Group and the Orleans Photo Club. 

  • Le mardi 11 juin à 18 h
    120 minutes

    L'inscription débute le mardi 14 mai 2024 - 10h00

    Think about all the data on your PC; videos of the grandkids playing in a park, photos of your trip to Patagonia (lucky you!), tax records, emails... Now think about whether those files exist anywhere else. If the answer is no, you need to think about backing them up. You could lose data due to viruses, fire, theft, and computer issues.  

    Chris Taylor, President of the Ottawa PC Users' group will discuss various ways you can ensure your important data survives any catastrophe.

  • computer, notebook and camera on a desk

    Le samedi 15 juin à 14 h
    120 minutes

    Lynda Buske from the Ottawa PC Users' Group and the Orleans Photo Club will show you how to make a hard copy book using the on-line service, Photobook Canada. You can completely customize the arrangement of your photos, backgrounds, frames, embellishments, etc. A great way to preserve memories of family events or travel!

    Saturday June 15, 2:00-4:00pm

    Registration required

  • Books

    Le mardi 18 juin à 10 h
    90 minutes

    Club de lecture RD 

    La succursale Ruth E. Dickinson invite les francophones et francophiles de Barrhaven à se joindre au nouveau Club de lecture RD.  Participez à nos rencontres sociales et discutez de livres de langue française.  Profitez aussi de présentations de nouvelles oeuvres, auteurs et des services disponibles aux lecteurs francophones et francophiles de la BPO. ​

    Les 3e mardis du mois de 10 h à 11 h.

    le 23 avril –    Le malaimant par Michèle Vinet​

    le 21 mai –  La jeune fille à la tresse par Françoise de Luca​

    le 18 juin –  La petite lumière par Grégory Panaccione