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  • Craft supplies on table

    Le vendredi 31 mai à 13 h
    120 minutes

    Join us for an afternoon of collage art! We will provide the paper, images, glue and scissors, you are welcome to bring additional notions if you would like. Drop-in program.​

    Joignez-nous pour un après-midi de collage! Nous allons fournir les ciseaux, la colle, les images et le papier, vous êtes la bienvenue d'apporter du matériel supplémentaire si vous le désirez. Programme portes ouvertes.​

  • Turtle colored to resemble a Medicine Wheel and bearing the Library's logo.

    Le samedi 15 juin à 10 h 30
    60 minutes

    Participants will learn about the Mohawk language and the history behind it. They will learn this by looking at the Mohawk alphabet and using it to pronounce the words correctly. By doing this we are able to teach the uniqueness of indigenous languages. 

    Register to ensure a spot. Drop-ins will be welcome on the day as space allows.