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  • Le lundi 27 mai à 18 h 30
    60 minutes

    Calling all quiz masters! Test your knowledge with live general trivia at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library!

    Come for the fun, leave with the bragging rights!

    Register a team of two to five people, come and enjoy!

  • Web banner for hobbies and crafts

    Le mardi 28 mai à 14 h
    90 minutes

    Désolé, cet événement et sa liste d'attente sont complets.

    Join us for an afternoon where we walk you through the craft of making Teacup Succulents. All supplies will be provided, no experience needed!

    If you have your own teacup, mug or container you would prefer to home your succulent in, please feel free to bring it along. 

    Date: Tuesday 28th of May, 2:00pm to 3:30pm. 

    Please note: registration is required.

  • Le lundi 3 juin à 18 h 30
    90 minutes

    Désolé, cet événement et sa liste d'attente sont complets.

    Pointillism is a technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of color are applied in patterns to form an image. 

    Join us in making a simple pointillism picture.  Templates will be provided, but you are welcome to try your hand at making your own.

  • Le lundi 3 juin à 19 h
    60 minutes

    Calling all trivia fans, game show enthusiasts, and people who know a lot of random facts! Join us for a trivia night at the Beaverbrook Branch where you'll tackle questions from a wide range of categories (not just about books!) to win a prize and the respect of the trivia community. Enjoy a fun atmosphere, music, and refreshments!

  • pansy

    Le mardi 4 juin à 14 h
    60 minutes

    Désolé, cet événement et sa liste d'attente sont complets.

    Join us for an afternoon of crafting.  Participants will experiment with using fresh flowers to create art.  Supplies will be provided.

  • image of three quilled paper flowers in a teapot

    Le mardi 4 juin à 18 h 30
    90 minutes

    Désolé, cet événement et sa liste d'attente sont complets.

    Learn to create beautiful, delicate, raised images from paper strips. You’ll use a few basic tools to wind the paper strips into coils to create a flower note card. 

    Supplies will be provided.

  • Le jeudi 6 juin à 14 h
    120 minutes

    Learn, in simple terms, how your camera works to enable you to take better photos. The lecture will cover tips on composition, depth of field, lighting, people pictures and how to avoid common pitfalls. Learn how to get off the automatic setting on your camera and take control!

    Presented by Lynda Buske from the Ottawa PC Users' Group and the Orleans Photo Club

  • Le samedi 8 juin à 14 h
    120 minutes

    Come join us for a relaxed scrapbooking, Card Making and Journaling session!  Please bring your own scrapbook and pictures.  Basic craft supplies will be provided.

  • Le vendredi 14 juin à 14 h 30
    90 minutes

    Désolé, cet événement et sa liste d'attente sont complets.

    Join us on Friday afternoons to explore the art of drawing and mark-making as a form of mindfulness. Each session will focus on a different creative technique that we can use to create beautiful art. But if you would just like to sit and colour while sipping some hot chocolate or herbal tea, then please do!

    All skill levels are welcome!
    All materials and refreshments will be provided for participants.

  • computer, notebook and camera on a desk

    Le samedi 15 juin à 14 h
    120 minutes

    Lynda Buske from the Ottawa PC Users' Group and the Orleans Photo Club will show you how to make a hard copy book using the on-line service, Photobook Canada. You can completely customize the arrangement of your photos, backgrounds, frames, embellishments, etc. A great way to preserve memories of family events or travel!

    Saturday June 15, 2:00-4:00pm

    Registration required