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  • Web banner for hobbies and crafts

    Le mardi 28 mai à 14 h
    90 minutes

    Désolé, cet événement et sa liste d'attente sont complets.

    Join us for an afternoon where we walk you through the craft of making Teacup Succulents. All supplies will be provided, no experience needed!

    If you have your own teacup, mug or container you would prefer to home your succulent in, please feel free to bring it along. 

    Date: Tuesday 28th of May, 2:00pm to 3:30pm. 

    Please note: registration is required.

  • Le mardi 28 mai à 18 h
    60 minutes

    Are you ready to start your garden chores?

    Please join us for the  Garden info session  by Judith Cox. Judith is a president of Stittstville Goulbourn Holticultural Society and a Master Gardener.

    A  new gardener or an experienced one just bring  your questions and concerns and Judith will be happy to answer them or share her experience with you.

  • Le samedi 1 juin à 13 h 30
    120 minutes

    Désolé, cet événement et sa liste d'attente sont complets.

    Growing vegetables in pots and bringing the outside in.

    Presentation by the Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton.

  • Le samedi 13 juillet à 13 h 30
    120 minutes

    Learn the basics of saving seeds, plant genetics, collection techniques, storage and viability. Breed your own varieties, adapted specifically to growing conditions in the garden.​

    Registration is limited. Please pre-register online.