OPL is a meeting place and an information source for its local community. Notice Boards are an important part of the Library’ statutory objective to:
- Provide a comprehensive and efficient public library service that reflects the community’s unique needs;
- Inspire learning, spark curiosity, and connect people; and
- Support the values of community, inclusion, literacy, integrity, and intellectual freedom.
Branch notice boards are used to promote:
- OPL programs and events;
- Friends of the OPL Association activities;
- City of Ottawa information; or,
- Space permitting, social support services or events open to the public, that are offered free of charge by recognized community agencies in Ottawa.
All notices must be 8.5x11 inches and contain relevant information such as the date, time, or location of the service or event. Notices are time-limited.
Postings may be dropped off at any OPL location for review by branch staff on a first-come, first served basis. Proposed postings will be reviewed for approval in a fair and consistent manner that:
- Respects applicable legislation, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the “Charter”), the Criminal Code, the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and the Public Libraries Act;
- Aligns with the Library’s mission and values; and
- Balances clients’ rights to intellectual freedom (the free and open exchange of lawful information), OPL’s statutory objectives, other legal obligations, and the Library Code of Conduct.
The views expressed in notices contained on notice boards at OPL are those of the individuals or groups and do not represent those of the Library. Use of this space does not imply approval or endorsement of the views expressed by OPL.
Proposed postings may be refused or removed by OPL if the content breaches a City By-law, the Library’s Code of Conduct, or any applicable Federal or Provincial law, including the Criminal Code, the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Public Libraries Act, or the common law.
If a client or organization wishes to know whether OPL decides to post or dispose of their material for posting, they must clearly provide contact information (name, phone number, and email address) on the top of the package provided (a cover sheet). Material without a cover sheet that cannot be posted will be disposed of as OPL sees fit.
Access to Notice Boards
- Notice boards are available at most branches. Notice boards have acrylic pockets that are letter size (8.5 x 11 inches).
- Individuals or groups wishing to submit materials for posting may provide one poster per branch (if double-sided or separate English and French posters, two per branch), standard size 8.5 x 11 inches.
Challenges to Postings
Individuals who have a concern about a notice board posting are encouraged to first speak with branch or InfoService employees. If their concerns have not been addressed, they can submit a Request for Reconsideration Form.
Staff will document and investigate concerns, prioritizing:
- Legal rights and obligations under the Charter, the Ontario Human Rights Code, and the Occupational Health and Safety Act; customers' responsibilities under the Library Code of Conduct; the requirements of the Criminal Code; and the Library’s statutory objectives;
- Due diligence and fairness; and,
- An environment free from discrimination, bullying, and harassment.